Older Bushnell 8x43 Elite Binocular Question.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2003
I have the Older Bushnell 8x43 Elite Binoculars and the clips broke off the side. They are little round clips that you plug in and twist on. These are the only way to attach neck strap. Does anybody know where these can be purchased? I called Bushnell and they said they no longer make these. Any help is appreciated.
morning, not to b a smarty. buy a chest bino holder. fits
around the shoulders. takes the hanging bino's from neck.
justme gbot tum
I have a nice harness but because the clips broke, there is nothing to attach to. It is a strange system the older Bushnell had. Without the clips, there is no loop or hook to attach to.
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