Ok, I've abused Mr. Wes long enough.

If by OCD you mean...Outstanding Craftsmanship and Design then by all means I agree.

Chad, is that a battery in the trunk? If so why there?
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That car thawed out more than one savings account. . .

Goood riddannnccceee!

Actually, I'll miss it probably. Lots of good times in that car. (meh heh. . .)

Nite gents.

Here's the stock in the fixture after its been machined and with the new pad already in place. I glue all my pads on and just leave them in the fixture using the quill to apply pressure to ensure a seamless fit.

Let it sit for a while and then its off to the messy part, grinding that bugger on the square wheel sander. I look like I slept in the burnout box at a national event after doing these.


I am enveyous of the way you came up with to hold that stock to be able to use the bridgeport. lightbulb
Chad, you never cease to amaze me.
You said you just had to sand a pad, I know that mess.
I installed a Pachmayr decelerator on my factory HS stock. I cut the old one off and screwed and epoxied the new one on. I have a belt sander but how you gonna hold the stock to sand it.
So I came up with this idea and it worked out really well. The bench is used to work on the engine bay on my Burb with 8 inches of lift and 37 BFG's



I think you look at things like I do, Nothing is impossible. :D
GNERGY, hey where can I get me one of those "belt sander mounting kits" does it come with instructions and a warranty?:D...only kidding. Hey if it works, it works. Nice creativity.
Final preparation of the metal stuff:


I like pretty threads. . .


FWIW I had my bestfriend, girlfriend/fiance(almost) cut the crown on this bugger! Not bad!


Here she is threatening death by screwdriver.

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Man throw them cancer sticks away........I been off them almost 60 days....it is tough. Great job on the rifle........Great job on the girlfriend too.
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