Oehler is back!!

alf, that's good news. I have never shot over one but it seems a lot of people consider them to be the standard. I was at the range yesterday and ran into an old timer who has a model 35. He actually said he liked my older Pact and that he never used his because it's too much work to set up. Would love to shoot over it though to try it out.
I placed my order online with Oehler a few minutes ago. Figure it's time to get while the gett'ins good.
I started out with a Chrony then moved up to a Oehler35P.
The Oehler is top quality and has a 3rd skyscreen so you get each shot velocity read twice, thus eliminating most bad readings.
If you have a problem Ken Oehler himself will answer your questions
It appears that if you wish the data to be loaded to computer, it must be done manually.

Is this correct?
Can someone enlighten me as to why I should get an Oehler on order insead of a CED?

Not my job to convince anyone of anything. I have an Oehler 33 and it's a very reliable instrument. Better than my PACT. You'd have to buy two CEDs to get the equivalent of one Oehler 35P. By the time you purchase two CEDs, you may as well purchase one single Oehler. The 35P collects two velocities for each shot, thereby allowing a means to ensure the recorded velocities are accurate. With one chronograph, you have absolutely no way to know if your chronograph reading is good or bad for any shot fired. I run two chronographs in tandem. Chronographs do spit out bad data every now and then. You'll be dumb and happy without being able to identify the bloopers.

You might search the Forum. CED users, believe it or not, are encountering problems.

I won't engage in any of the "my chrono is better than yours"..., because I happen to own one and I only own good stuff. Only person that could decide whether or not the Oehler 35P is THE ONE for them is the purchaser him/herself. A person doesn't need any chronograph if they don't use them in a manner that yields any benefits - benefits to them.

There are a lot of people willing to pay for the Oehlers. The prices one eBay have only gone up, up, and away. Used ones selling for more than they cost new - when they were last available for purchase. Unless I shoot or otherwise destroy my 35P, I'll make money on it when I sell it down the road. Because people will pay for value.
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If ANYONE is having problems with a CED Charles Hardy will go out of his way to make SURE the problem is rectified. My CED is NOT 2nd to NONE.
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If ANYONE is having problems with a CED Charles Hardy will go out of his way to make SURE the problem is rectified. My CED is 2nd to NONE.

Then you certainly have no need for the Oehler. Tell me though, how do you ascertain the recorded velocity is correct, with only one reading per shot? How would you know if you obtained a false reading?
Then you certainly have no need for the Oehler. Tell me though, how do you ascertain the recorded velocity is correct, with only one reading per shot? How would you know if you obtained a false reading?
That's a pretty BROAD question when you have SO many variables that can effect the reading on ANY chrono IE: light, powder charge, temprature, and the type of environment one's in. To answer your question the best that I can as per a false reading on my CED, what I do to eleviate this problem IF it's a false reading is average my shot string. One will know if his/her readings are TO high or TO low. The two main culprits on any chronograph I feel would be lighting and muzzleblast.

To say the least the Oehler 35p is a OLD but pretty doggone good chrono, those that are coming out in limited quantities are not new technology they are the same 35p's of the yesteryears, which are analog systems compared to the CED digital systems. To say the least if I had to buy another chrono other than a CED it WOULD be a Oehler 35P
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