This is turning into something that I didn't intend. People, people, don't read so much between the lines. Don't assume that everybody who has a different hunting style then yours doesn't understand, or approve of your hunting style/methods. It appears to me that some of the LRH's have been beat up so much on this topic in the past that they immediately go on the defensive. I should have went with my first instinct and put a disclaimer at the start of this post to keep the defenders of the faith happy. Let me make it clear right now I wouldn't be on this forum if I thought LRH was unsafe, unethical, etc., etc. I'm here to learn the tricks of the trade and will use them myself when I chose.
I originally asked if there were any hunters who shared my personal philosophy of preferring to sneak in close, but be capable of taking longer shots for whatever reason. For me it's all about being the best outdoorsman and rifleman that I can. I never stated that the way others on this board have chosen to hunt is wrong. I agree with all that have stated that each person is free to hunt in the manner they choose. Just because I stated my personal objective is not to always shoot game at the maximum distance possible does not indicate that I believe to do so is wrong.
As far as the safety issue I agree with everything that has been stated so far. If you look at my reply to Steve's question (about the safety aspect of shooting long range at game) you will see that right off the bat I stated that I do NOT think LRH is unsafe. Again, I believe that long range shooting can be done safely in the field. So when I mention that conditions will limit what we can see why do some immediately attack me thinking that I'm saying LRH is unsafe? People you are preaching to the choir. I was merely commenting on what we all know, or at least should know, that there are certain technical complications of using glass at long range. What I said about mirage, light, shadows, affecting vision isn't something that Darryl, Steve, and the other dominant members on this board wouldn't say themselves.
Brent, I'm with you 100 percent. We are all saying the same thing here, you have to be careful and not shoot if you can't see well enough. When I said that you can't see in the shadows I thought it was implied that I was saying don't shoot in those conditions. Only a fool would shoot at the distances we are taking (or any distance) when they can't see the entire area.
Steve, I'm sorry that you think I overengineered your words. However, I think it was an overstatement to say you can see everything with your bigeyes or any other optics. My comments we not directed so much to you but to those who haven't spent much time behind spotting scopes and may not realize the limitations. I was merely mentioning the saftey issues we need to keep in mind. Obviously, when you're sitting there behind the glass it will be immediately apparent whether or not you can see well enough to take the shot. I also want to add that many times you'll be able to see game clearly, but you won't be able to see what's in the shadows nearby. I'm not saying that anybody here would shoot in these conditions. I'm saying this is a hazard that we need to keep in mind. TO ALL: HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE BEEN GLASSING A NICE BUCK IN A SMALL OPENING AND THEN MINUTES LATER WE NOTICE ANOTHER DEER NEARBY THAT WAS IN THE SHADOWS. THE SAME THING CAN HAPPEN WITH HUMANS. OK, once again I was merely pointing out that we ALL need to be careful when shooting long range. BTW: Steve, Thank you for your courteous manner.
Darryl, I'm with you guy. When did I ever say LRH couldn't be done, was unsafe, etc., etc. Please don't assume that I don't know this or that. If your personal goal is to shoot game farther then anybody else that's fine by me. You don't have to defend this method of hunting to me. Go do that over on Peace brother.
338Lapua, you make a good point. Some states don't require orange and some people don't wear orange. Myself, I always wear orange, as I know how difficult it can be to see someone who doesn't.
OK, to summarize this post. People, I'm with you and respect any whose goal it is shoot game at their maximum personal range. Please respect my viewpoints. Again, as I said from the very start I don't think LRH is inherently dangerous.
[ 02-16-2002: Message edited by: longrangehunter ]