That should do the job. Not to high of powder.
Good ChoiceThink I'm going for the MK5 3.6-18 pr1 mil non illum.
Thanks for all the replies!
The little bit that Ive looked through them both (granted this is only in store so probably means nothing) I couldnt tell any difference in glass.Absolutely love my NX8 4-32x50 SFP. As others have said above, there has been a few reports of the MK5HD's with tracking issues. While I likely will eventually own a MK5HD to give them a try, for now I will not trade the reliability and consistency of a NightForce. I have not looked through a MK5HD, or even felt one for that matter, but I am willing to sacrifice a slight decrease in optical quality for the reliability a NightForce. Not to knock Leupold and the MK5HD, because besides the few reports out there, they are solid scopes.
The 2oz difference between the mark5hd and nx8 shouldn't bother anyone.My NX8 is very heavy. The leupold is a light scope, perfect for your lightweight rig. I have no experience with Maven products