Not Long range


Active Member
Feb 18, 2011
But cool nonetheless. Maximum distance will be around 250. I sigthed it in at 200 and with the 2.8 magnification and non-reflective targets that is pretty much max. Maybe with glowing eyes it will give another 50 yards?

New NS-D520-G2+ mounted up. Da torch IR Illuminator, and man does this thing light up the night. For Gen2, this is as good as it gets from what I hear.

That is sweet, I'm looking at a similar setup. How does it work on a star filled night?
Pfft. This thing is amazing. Only on the darkest of nights is the illumintaor needed.

I have yet to credit any kills to it, but for target shooting out to 250 I only use the illuminator for a final "target identification" and to be absolutely accurate on my POA. I suspect when I finally get a yote, or similar sized animal, in the scope I will do the same to get the most accurate POA.

I have seen deer on the far edge of one of my fields (285 yds) and I can tell if it is a buck or a doe without illumination unless there is very little to no ambient light. Now I can't count tines or anything without the illuminator, but it speaks to the image abilities. I would say tines under the 3 to 4 inch range I cannot make out at that range due to the low magnification.

By no means does it gather light like a Gen3, but for hunting I don't think it can be beat. IMO, 200 yards is a VERY long shot for night hunting operations.
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