Not happy with 156 EOL

Not sure why you have had these results? Elk and 2 antelope have been dead in their tracks! Plan on shooting one more elk(cow) with 26 Nosler and 156. First elk was massive chest cavity damage with 6.5 PRC!
Lesson I've learned is no one bullet always gives same or perfect results.

Care to share your load data for the 26 Nosler? I loaded up some with 31g of RL 33. 30 off the lands, they shot good, no signs of pressure, but I need to get a chronograph to check speed. I wanted to use them this elk season but used the factory 142 Nosler's until I get some more testing done.
Hi Buddy, I'm sorry to take the opposite side of this discussion, but the whitetails I have shot die very ,very ,fast, with HUGE AMOUNTS of internal Trauma and Heart and Lung tissue destruction. I use a Weatherby Ultralight Rifle with a 24 inch Krieger Barrel in 270 Win/ 130 Grain Nosler ballistic tip @3050 FPS. from that 24 inch Barrel. I have not had to take a second shot in many years. Some died right where they were shot. Never took a step. NEVER AN EXIT HOLE !!! Fell to the ground dead.I make .270 Win ammo for my Hunting Friend in W Virg. He shoots a Win Feather weight Classic. same results . If the range is expected to be 300 yards or more , like in Wyoming , I shoot a .270 Weatherby Mag . same spectacular results . Even guides and Out fitters have commented on the surprising amount of internal damage. You may wish to consider a lighter , less tough bullet on whitetail and mule deer and antelope. Just ,my 2 cents. Lenny
If I can hold 1/2 moa out to 500, it shouldn't effect the bullet at 150 yards.

At 150 the bullet should do what it's supposed to do
Bullets with marginal stability will yaw on their axis when they encounter a deer. A stable bullet would have gone in a relatively straight line and as a berger, expanded its energy in the first 6-8" the shock should have dropped any deer near its tracks. A marginally stable berger does not behave how bergers were designed. Sometimes they yaw so much they'll tumble and open poorly or hardly at all.
Several years ago killed a monster big brown bear in AK with a375AI shooting old style 300gr Barnes at 90y. Was dead in tracks with the typical roll up and bite his chest and in 15 sec was dead! Three days later was in ID for early season elk hunt and due to weather delays was no time to go home to CO to regear or regun! End result was nice 6x6 at 200 yd was shot 5 times with same gun.... 4 penciled thru the lung each time he got back up then got up to him at 10yards he stood up again and I neck shot him making finishing the job with shot five! Never found a single bullet from that disaster. The slug from the bear still sits on my bench and is 269gr. Hunting partner who witnessed my elk still talks about it. He shot elk his at 185y with 270W and 150gr factory silver tip DIT! I still catch grief from him! Fifty years of big game hunting I still have game I can't explain the bullet results on everyone. As a surgeon I do a post on ever kill I can even those I don't shoot. And with 30y trauma surgery experience and over 300 Gun shot patients I've learned there are a lot of factors that contribute to wound results!
One or two anecdotal results don't always set in stone consistent results!
An 8tw at sea level At 2750fps is not a great place for the 156. This bullet may shoot well on paper but as has been stated it will be in yaw in close before it goes to sleep. This can cause less predictable results.
At 59 your at 1.43 at 30 your at 1.35 stability.
If your shot is at 400 and beyond the bullet will be flying correctly as stability increases as it slows till trans-sonic speed is reached.
lack of damage usually due minimal expansion, yet it did not exit. no bone hit going in meant minimal expansion. suggest u look in the back side shoulder for bullet to see what happened.
My only thoughts on this are maybe like the 230 vs 215. Less lead in the nose cavity just creates the perfect storm? Not that either won't kill but my 140 hybrids have a long list of kills and zero tracking shot close and far.....
Hey 1788, where is your shot placement with the 140 hybrids?
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