Not good News, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Wow, I'm truly sad, my heart is taking a beating reading this. Jerry always was at the ready to respond to questions with great advice from years of experience and will be truly missed by everyone that remembered him!

Dear Jerry, May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine on your face, may you find peace and greatness in your next life brother....... I will look forward to the day we meet again, until then may God hold you in the Palm of His hand.

Peace be with you and your family Jerry. You surely will be missed......
Wow, I'm truly sad, my heart is taking a beating reading this. Jerry always was at the ready to respond to questions with great advice from years of experience and will be truly missed by everyone that remembered him!

Dear Jerry, May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine on your face, may you find peace and greatness in your next life brother....... I will look forward to the day we meet again, until then may God hold you in the Palm of His hand.

Peace be with you and your family Jerry. You surely will be missed......
Amen,we all will rejoice once again,at another time,,,,SOON!!
This is very sad news, JE would always give great advice in a very friendly and non-confrontational manner, and I really would have loved to have a cup of coffee with him and listen to his tales. I truly hope his family finds some solace in all the strangers that he reached out to and helped for no other reason than he was a good person and it was the right thing to do. He truly seemed to have a teacher's heart, and that's such a rarity on the web. Godspeed gentle man.
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