Not "currently unavailable", "Discontinued"


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2016
The Great Republic of Texas
I received this in an email from Midway USA:

GM215M, 5000 count has been discontinued. I haven't yet received the notice for the 1000 count.
they sent it on every primer that I had a 5000 ct on. funny I put in for notification for all primer options six months ago and these are the only notifications that I even received put I know that they have had primers multiple times. Midway is becoming a joke for reloading supplies
they sent it on every primer that I had a 5000 ct on. funny I put in for notification for all primer options six months ago and these are the only notifications that I even received put I know that they have had primers multiple times. Midway is becoming a joke for reloading supplies

If you get a notification for a product, you have to renew the notification. It will not continue to notify you everytime it comes available. You will only get one notification and then it falls off.
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