Nosler m48

You seem to be the "been there,done that" kinda guy( I mean that as a complement). I have a desire to pursue this bolt action pistol thing but I want to think it through. I like the Nosler 48 style but I really like a walnut stock. Is there a walnut stock offered for this pistol? Would I be better off to just put a custom together? I once had a Borden XP action and it was SO nice. What about the Howa Mini action? What about the Remington XP?
Any words of wisdom?
Give me a call or email me next week some time: [HIDDEN] [email protected] and I would be glad to talk to you and answer as many questions for you as possible
dogbuster0006, I've been shooting the Nosler pistol since it was introduced. Actually I was working on a proto-type before introduction. They are very accurate rigs. I've got three now - and many of my friends and family have bought one. No complaints from any of them and they all are well-pleased. I've taken quite a few head of big game with the 6.5 Creedmoor including dall sheep. Getting one for around $1400 is a real bargain for this quality.
Pm sent
I've got a g2 in 7-30 waters love it. Got a encore 30-06 barrel bought a used 243win for it. Ordered a mgm barrel in 6mm rem. Now u guys got me looking at the nosler pistol. MY WIFE WILL BE ****ed. Uh o well. 🤓
I've got a g2 in 7-30 waters love it. Got a encore 30-06 barrel bought a used 243win for it. Ordered a mgm barrel in 6mm rem. Now u guys got me looking at the nosler pistol. MY WIFE WILL BE ****ed. Uh o well. 🤓
They do eventually come around, ask me how I
Good to know.

What about headspace?
Especially from a non Nosler barrel?

I wonder if Nosler would sell M48 pistol barrels?

Hopefully, I have an 6.5CM M48 Independence coming my way...
Yep...have the m48 rifle in 26nosler..
26" pacnor barrel...i don't worry to shoots really fast and as good as I can at distance.....for slightly heavier rifle it carries as nice as my lighter pack rifles.....

WY-SHOT 2021 is June 21-23

That looks like a way cool event, one that I would like to attend., somehow...
Yep...have the m48 rifle in 26nosler..
26" pacnor barrel...i don't worry to shoots really fast and as good as I can at distance.....for slightly heavier rifle it carries as nice as my lighter pack rifles.....

Thanks, however, I believe this thread is for the Nosler M48 *pistol* ?

- Forums - Rifles, Reloading, Optics, Equipment - Specialty Handgun Hunting - Nosler m48
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What is the preferred choice of scope for this pistol?
I saw some video that suggested a scout style rifle scope is better than a pistol style scope.
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