The two major advantages to heavy bullets at long range is a more predictable bullet path, and less environmental interference, i.e. wind. That is why the military snipers love the 50 cal for long range shots. I am going to 190's and 200's with my Lazzeroni Warbird because I assume the monstrous powder charge behind a 150 won't allow anything close to a normal bullet path. The best group I can get with the 150's is about 1.5, and it should shoot better than that. The proof target John sent with the gun had a group of .7, but he did not say which bullet weight he used for that. I am a lover of Remington rifles because they produce what I consider to be the best over-the-counter barrels. Other shooters probably have their favorite rifles, Remingtons just happen to be mine, especially the Senderos due to their full length bedding block. Of my six Remington rifles, all six will shoot under .5 groups at 100 yds, under 1 inch at 200 yds. A couple of them burned up a lot of powder and bullets before I found the right recipe, but eventually I always got there. But that is all the fun of reloading. If every rifle you bought shot.5 groups right out of the box, what reason would you have to shoot them again? It is the challenge of getting five shots basically making only one hole, granted a little expanded and ragged, but one hole that keeps me at my reloading bench with my calculator, reference books, and containers of about thirty different bullets and a dozen powders that makes this sport so rewarding. Then when you make a long shot on an animal, you know that it is worth all the time, effort, and expense. Many of you have posted messages about making shots over 1000 yds, and I cannot match that yet, 837, as I posted before is my best, but I have to admit that conditions were ideal and I was astounded when the deer went down, especially because I was shooting the rifle least likely to make that kind of shot, my Remington titanium with a barrel diameter about the size of a fat pencil. But then it only weighs 5lbs, 3ozs, and my handle isn't old teacher for nothing. Packing that 11 lb Sendero is getting harder every year.