HOLY MOLY! I probably would have had to change my shorts once I got home too.I had several hang fires,click,delay,then bang and a couple click,no bang,wait,wait,wait,is it going to go off wait,wait,I don't think it's going to go off.That will give you a scary feeling inside when that happens.I pulled the bullet and dumped the powder when I got home.The powder was sooty black but none of it had ignited.
If you're ever Phoenix, Arizona let me know I trade magnums for large rifle...
My experience with non-magnum primers used in 7rm is a perceived slight delay. Switched back to mag primers and no issue. ???Long story short all I have right now is Fed210's. I have a 300 PRC on the way. I will be using h1000 but have limited supplies, so I don't want to waste supplies trying things out. I know it will "work" but don't want to waste powder on sub par performance. The goal is to confirm a solid load and get 50-80 loaded for hunting for the for seeable future. The 210's work great on my 6.5 PRC but that's with 59 gr not the 80+ I'll be using in my 300 PRC. What's your experience using large rifle primers in a magnum round?
I missed a loading on one shell when I first started loading about 30!yrs ago. The primer was enough to push the round into the barrel. I had a flat brass attachment that I used on the end of my cleaning rod. And with small taps got it loose. I thought I was going to replace the barrel. Took it to a smith and had the bore checked all good. That's why I stand up and shine a light into each case to check that they are all have powderHow's getting a bullet out of the barrel....