no more gun stuff on ebay


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
Spokane , WA.
I sent a repsectful email to Ebay concerning there decision to restrict the sale of firearm parts and components to include brass and bullets online. Apparently this all stemed from the Virgina Tech shootings where a magazine was bought off Ebay. This was the reply I got.

Hello Mr. Pritt,

Thank you for your recent email to Matt Halprin regarding the changes to
our Firearms, Weapons and Knives policy. He has asked that I respond on
his behalf.

At eBay we take the safety of our community and our marketplace very
seriously. We have a Trust and Safety team which consists of more than
2,000 experts in online security and safety who are located around the
globe. This team is dedicated to ensuring that our marketplace is a safe
and trusted place for buyers and sellers to engage in trade.

We value an open and transparent marketplace; if items are legal to buy
and sell in an unrestricted manner we allow them on our site. However,
there are some items that while legal, may not be safe for our
marketplace. In these instances, our applicable policies go beyond the
law to ensure that our marketplace is safe.

After careful consideration our executives and our Trust and Safety team
determined that while legal, any item required to fire a gun has no
place on eBay. All of our policies are under constant review. As the
internet and the way our communities use the internet evolves, our
policies and our marketplace must evolve with it. We have determined
that this policy change was in the best interest of promoting a safe
marketplace for all members.


Mike Smith
Office of the President
eBay, Inc.
That letter seems to make me think Ebay is trying to be responsible. It doesn't appear they are against buying or selling of anything, it's just that they feel their space is not the proper place for the items. I agree with them on this. I'm not so sure EBAY is the place to be buying and selling weapons and ammunition and other things like that.

The letter sounded nice.

I do agree with NYLES, EBAY, like any good business, is going to CTA.
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Sounds to me like they want to insure they are covering thier *** and not get sued! and dont take that as me not accepting thier view but average criminal aint going to Ebay to buy a $25.00 pistol..........ask any of our current 3800 inmates here.
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