No budget hunting scope...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
Anchorage, Alaska
I'm trying not to reinvent the wheel here as I know the people on here have gone through and looked at the awesome inventory of scopes available out there. I'm looking for a new hunting scope for my McWhorter .257 Weatherby that I would like to take out to 600 or so yards if need be, but generally I end up killing at normal ranges of 200-400 yards. I would like the ability to adjust for various ranges with an ASV or hunting style elevation turret. I was looking at the Schmidt and Bender Precision hunter 3-12x50, the Zeiss Diavari FL 4-16x50, or even waiting to get a new Leica ER Illuminated 3-12x50. I really want a scope that gives me the best piece of glass I can get my hands on. I'm pretty much open to people's thoughts on this subject. I'm not really into a full tactical style scope as I want to keep the weight down as much as possible. Please give me your thoughts on this subject and maybe give me some reasons why you think the way you do. Thanks in advance for the help!

If your max is 600yds, take a look at a Swaro Z5 3.5-18x44 BT with the 4W reticle. It is lightweight, it is durable, you can set zero stop and then dial to 13MOA, it has windage in the reticle, it has good low and high end mag, and the glass is excellent.
Im looking for something similar to what you want. So far I've looked at the Swaro Z6 3-18 with an Outdoorsmans turret, Schmidt &Bender 4-16 Precision hunter and the Leica. I've since crossed off the Leica due to their warranty. My max range is a little farther which is I'm looking at more X's. Leupolds Vx6 line has my eye as well. I'd say if you want the best glass and least weight then go the Swaro route. Z5 or Z6.
If your max is 600yds, take a look at a Swaro Z5 3.5-18x44 BT with the 4W reticle. It is lightweight, it is durable, you can set zero stop and then dial to 13MOA, it has windage in the reticle, it has good low and high end mag, and the glass is excellent.

+1. Dam good hunting scope.

Don't rule out one of the Kahles range, glass is as good as the top three big names
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