nikon 6x18x40sf blurry crosshair


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
Rathdrum Idaho
Was out shooting my 22-250 today and at 25 yards and at 100yd's. That cross hairs and small dot are so faint I can barely see them. Lenses are clean. So can anyone give me idea what is causing this? Target was slightly blurry as well. Could be my eyes can't handle looking through scope. Any ideas?
Is it possible the the side focus knob out of calibration if that makes since not sure if that's possible. I will have to mess around it some more
Pay no attention to markings etc....Look thru the scope at some object and keeping your eye to the scope....change the focus setting until it comes into focus

Then you can run with the ball
The scope on my .308win died as well the internal lens in the ocular bell come loose. Guess that is what happens when you buy rifles in combo set up. Might make good aquarium object. It is a Bushnell. At least my Nikon is still good. Thanks for the help
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