.. There's a mild hint of attitude in your post.. Oki-doki..
.. The first paragraph seems to allude to military and/or LEO involvement.. Would it be safe to assume that we all paid for your NF, rendering the cost vs. return ratio invalid from your perspective.??
To the list..
1)..You are correct on this account.. If I "fastroped" from anything not firmly secured to the Earth it would cause major balance issues.. (Not to mention,burned hands) And if my rifle was following me the initiator of it's descent and I would have serious problems..(This is why my time in military service was minimal.)
2) If I used anything like your little toy there they'd haul me off and Sandy would have to sell the house to pay it, and my lawyer, off..
3)Correct again.. I plan to do no diving before ,after or during any of my scheduled shooting events.. Although some of the "mudholes" at the club may present a unique challenge for both myself and the NF.. The comment about stalking deer was a pure "brow-beat" and will be ignored much the same as a "triple-dog-dare"..
4) Here's something useful.. Your R2 reticle is extremely interesting and as far as I can tell
THE single most attractive/unique feature of the NF scope line.. Maybe when ya get that book out us mere "hunters"(FWIW-Groundhogs are my target of choice)can use it as it was intended.. My personal preference is to just "dial it in"..
5) I'll havta read the book on how that's done, properly, also..
.. I'm not sure if the "carpenter" comment is good logic or just another brow-beating attempt.. I guess I'll just have to be content fumbling about the bench at the range and afield.. All the while aspiring to reach the lofty levels set by our illustrious professionals..
..Hehehe.. But seriously, thanks for your unique and obviously well informed input.!!
Great perspective.. I wish I could honestly say that I had never "blown" $500 for much less of a "value".. When it comes down to it.. It may be S1's NP-R2 that does me in..