Whatever you decide to buy, trust your eyes FIRST. Ask your LGSC to walk it outside and look at a tree, a rock, the McD's sign - does it look right for your purpose? At the tier you are shopping, you might look at Schmidt Bender PMs, Leica (Amplus 2.5-15) or EOTech (Vudu 3.5-18)? I've owned SB, Leupold, Kahles. And now have EOTech Vudus, incl. a 3.5-18x, and several Leica riflescopes and binos and other odds and ends. The SB PMII 5-25 is the finest optic I have ever shot-owned-dropped-dunked; And NF are silly robust - I have yet to drop-test the EOTech. The Leica glass (TO ME) is the clearest ETE, best color resolution and gives the finest definition/contrast. And the Leicas have taken some hard hits. Some alternatives to skinning your cat. Cheers to whatever you choose.