Nightforce First Focal Plane Information

So what models are made in the US and what ones in Japan. Are the 32 and 42 powers all made in Japan and is that the reason they don't come with Zero Stops?

Also will the FFP scopes become available in 5.5-22X56?

Cheers Bill

The 1-4x, 2.5-10x, and the 3.5-15x50mm FFP are made in the USA. The parts to the others are made in Japan but assembled here in the USA.

They will be working on the 5.5-22x50 or 56mm FFP but that will not be for sometime.

Mike @ CSGW
Why do the 42 powervscopes have Japan stamped under the tube instead of USA as they are made and assembled in Japan.

Cheers Bill
Why do the 42 powervscopes have Japan stamped under the tube instead of USA as they are made and assembled in Japan.

Cheers Bill

The bodies are made in Japan so they will have the stamp made in Japan but they assembled here in the USA in Idaho.

Mike @ CSGW
Hi Ken, Im not posting this to offend or criticize you or the NF products,just an observation,but with the price you listed on the FFP 3.5X15 I really cant see NF giving USO a run for thier money in the FFP market.
Hi Ken, Im not posting this to offend or criticize you or the NF products,just an observation,but with the price you listed on the FFP 3.5X15 I really cant see NF giving USO a run for thier money in the FFP market.

That is an interesting statement. Why do you feel that way?

Here are some of my thoughts. The NF NXS FFP offers very good glass, good quality material, a good zero stop, is made in the USA, comes with NF UL rings ($160 value), and they are cheaper than USO, S&B, & PR. A USO with close to the same features is going to run $2600 to $2800.00 and this will be without a Zero Stop turret were the NF is $2290.00.

What are your thoughts?

Mike @ CSGW
That is an interesting statement. Why do you feel that way?

A USO with close to the same features is going to run $2600 to $2800.00 and this will be without a Zero Stop turret were the NF is $2290.00.

What are your thoughts?

Mike @ CSGW

Thats just it,you get what NF wants to make and sell.With the USO I can get the SN3 3.8X22 with the features I want (not what USO wants) which would include the 1/4 EREC and PCMOA reticle for a little less than $300 more than the NF 3.5X15.Ive no experience with NFs zero stops and with the EREC I dont think they'd be anything Id want anyway.The lit reticle is something SD Game, Fish and Parks says I can do without.Of the two scopes Ive owned and used - the NF 5.5X22X56 and the USO ST10S with the EREC elevation,I was much more impressed with the quality of the ST10S.Im by no means saying NF isnt a good scope,but when it comes to FFP I know what I'll be using.
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