NightForce cover, killflash questions

Montana Billy

New Member
Jan 20, 2013
SW Montana
Before I buy: Can you tell me the numbers for Butler Creek flip-up covers and SunGuard (Tenebraex) killflash I should order for the following:
ATACR 5-25X56

What I have come up for the Butler Creek flip-ups is: ATACR and NXS5.5-22X56: Objective, #39; Ocular, 17
NXS5.5-22X50: Objective #31; Ocular, #18

Does that mean for the SunGuard I order 56mm, #39, and 50mm, #31? If so, why do I also see a SunGuard ARD for 56mm NXS at $99.99, five times more than for the other SunGuard ARDs?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Sorry, I can't remember the numbers. I usually take a scope to the local sports shop or have them fit the same scope from their inventory. You are certain with the fit you want with this method.
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