Nice groups at 100, 200 no groups..

What bullet are you shooting? There are 243 loads that have high bc bullets. You may be on the edge of stability with the bullet your using. It's pretty hard to get 8 inch groups at 200 yards with just about anything. Are the holes at 200 yards perfectly round?

I had a browning x bolt "max long range " that could prove you wrong time and time again 😂
I have a 220 Wilson Arrow that shoots ragged one hole groups at 100 yards and gives me knuckle ball patterns at 200. The twist is all wrong for that particular bullet. Switching to another plastic pointed bullet with a flat base and being .030" shorter tightened the group up to half inch groups at 200.
I'm going to try different ammo. I was just happy with Nosler BT, as the 100 yard groups were 1".
Right now you have a 100 yard gun. Let us know what you find out with different ammo and all the other suggestions above.
I had to rebarrel an older Remington 700 because it would only shoot 1 bullet well, a 168 Berger VLD. Nothing else.
The only guns I have that are 200 + yards are a Tikka, and Browning X-bolt. Nothing else is consistent.
The only guns I have that are 200 + yards are a Tikka, and Browning X-bolt. Nothing else is consistent.

That statement right there still lends me to feel it is shooter error and not the gun, as I stated in previous posts. Post some pics and have someone else shoot your rifle . Ragged holes and 8" groups at 200 are not consistent with too slow of twist etc. Too slow of twist start to exhibit at longer distances like a poorly thrown football
My favorite Browning .243. 100 yards, I get a ragged hole. 200 yards, my groups are spread out to 8 inches. Just doesn't group past 100. Maybe it was a little windy, but not 8" worth of wind....

Factory Nosler BT loads.. any hints ?
Friend has a used Browning chambered in 300 win mag, with a similar issue. Reloading 160 - 180 grain, Hornady ELD-X, SST. Nosler Abonds, Barnes,,, and others. Various suitable powders. Factory ammo from Federal, Barnes, Remington, Winchester and others. Wind, no wind, no matter? It's got a sporter barrel that heats up quickly. 3 shots at 100yds, = 1" MOA groups. Let the barrel cool, jump out to 2-300yds, the groups open up to 4,5,6+ MOA. All of this is tested off of a "lead sled". Not a fan of Browning.
It can't get better.

Dozens chiming in with every possible cure except the obvious one.

While the OP plans to spend more money, ignoring the facts provided by several of us.

This should be good for 20 pages !

Most have "read before typing feature" disabled.:p:p:p
Right now you have a 100 yard gun. Let us know what you find out with different ammo and all the other suggestions above.
I had to rebarrel an older Remington 700 because it would only shoot 1 bullet well, a 168 Berger VLD. Nothing else.
The 168 isn't too shabby of a bullet but I do understand wanting to have other choices.
Blur, Learn to measure your twist. Its not that hard to do and it will be another tool in your troubleshooting tool box. This will either validate or eliminate one unknown. It won"t cost you anything unless you have to buy a cleaning rod & jag and you will need those just for cleaning if you don't already have them. It will save you money somewhere down the road in ammo & component costs.
Blur, Learn to measure your twist. Its not that hard to do and it will be another tool in your troubleshooting tool box. This will either validate or eliminate one unknown. It won"t cost you anything unless you have to buy a cleaning rod & jag and you will need those just for cleaning if you don't already have them. It will save you money somewhere down the road in ammo & component costs.
Jumping to the extreme based upon?.... provide some examples
Oh, I was just reacting to the poster who was describing getting a rifle w/ 1:11 when advertised as 1:9. Admittedly, a bit facetious in my reply but man would I be torqued off if that happend to me. I'm currently a bit frustrated that Sako won't offer their Varmint Laminate in .22-250 in faster than 1:12. On top of that Baretta won't import the 7mm-08 version. So I'm venting.
My favorite Browning .243. 100 yards, I get a ragged hole. 200 yards, my groups are spread out to 8 inches. Just doesn't group past 100. Maybe it was a little windy, but not 8" worth of wind....

Factory Nosler BT loads.. any hints ?
I had the same problem with one of my 300 win mags. shooting Berger 168 vlds out of a Tikka-26" barrel with a 1in11 twist. Bullets wern't stabilizing. I went to 185 gr berger classic hunters- now shooting .75" at 200 yds. I have a Win Mod 70 Varminter in 243 Win. After multiple powder/bullet combinations tested, It likes the 95 gr. Berger VLD Hunter with 42.0 gr. IMR 4350- Rem 9 1/2 M primer. OAL from base to tip-2.838, Chrono 10 shot avg = 3101 fps. Hope this helps.
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