NF ballistic software input


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2011
I found a couple of Dell axim's that belonged to my wife over the years that she doesn't use anymore. I'm looking to pull the trigger on the NF software. Looking for some input on whether I should go with the CD-rom or Sd type card?? Thanx..
I have had mine for a long time and it is the CD. It is a good program and is easy to run. I am not sure which option is best but for sure when you install it make sure you choose to store data on a SD card. That way when the batts go dead setting you will still have your data. The batts in my Dell Axim x 50 V will go dead in about a week or so while setting. Best to store these in the charger.

The batteries in mine also will go dead in a week or so if I leave them in the Axim.

I ended up buying some double capacity batteries and now store the unit overnight or when not in the field with the battery out of it. They seem to hold charge if not inside the Axim.

My biggest problem with the Axim has been the steps it sometimes requires to get back into the ballistic program once the unit powers down automatically.
Sounds to me like the sd option might be more convenient-considering the battery issues...if I went with a cd, how would I go about moving stored data onto an sd card?
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