new world's record for longest shot?

While I can readily applaud anyone who can hit any target at those distances, I do have a problem with the label of 'world record'. Until there is some kind of standardization for these types of shots, a new world record claim remains dubious. For example: What size was the target? the size of a man, the size of an elephant, the broad side of a barn? Under what conditions was the shot taken? Was it a single, cold bore shot or was it one hit in 20 attempts? Until things become standardized, the significance of the accomplishment will continue to be diminished in my own mind.

Plus 1 more. Agreed.
world record longest shot in my option is still Craig Harrison in Afghanistan with a kill shot at 2,707 yards. Firing in real war conditions at a semi moving, living human target.
Record for longest shot (non combat) is 3695m with a 408 Cheytac. German man, last name is Benjamin I believe... But I agree with Rev, the combat shots are much more impressive
Were they shooting the 350 grain MatchKings?
With an 11.5" twist I would assume they aren't firing a really long higher BC projectile.
For example the smallest .375 Cutting Edge bullet calls for a 1-11" twist, but the higher velocity of that cartridge would probably stabilize more than the 2900 fps called for on the CE website.
Originally Posted by azsugarbear
While I can readily applaud anyone who can hit any target at those distances, I do have a problem with the label of 'world record'. Until there is some kind of standardization for these types of shots, a new world record claim remains dubious. For example: What size was the target? the size of a man, the size of an elephant, the broad side of a barn? Under what conditions was the shot taken? Was it a single, cold bore shot or was it one hit in 20 attempts? Until things become standardized, the significance of the accomplishment will continue to be diminished in my own mind."""

couldn't have said it even better!!! One more agreed
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