New to handgun hunting

Well here's an update, I finally found a scope for the stainless Ruger hunter 44 mag.
That proved to be quite a chore! I was hoping to stick with a stainless but no one had any in stock so I just bought a Burris 2x off a friend for 100$. And man alive it shot great! I used PPU 250gr hp and at 25 and 50 yds it would put 3 shots touching. I have maybe 75 rounds of this ammo left. Currently it's about 2.5" high @ 50yds so what's the recommended zero, and maybe what should I expect drop wise at 100,
What is a good way to field rest a revolver? When sighting it in I was using a rifle bag and resting my right wrist in the channel of the bag, trying to make sure the pistol wasn't touching anything other than me. I often keep one of those bags around so I figured if time permitted to set up a shot it rests on a rock or hood nicely. Also tried to make sure my grip was the same every time
Mason, when hunting I shoot off of shooting sticks, whether rifle or handgun. Others may not find this acceptable, but if I will hunt from sticks, I will zero from the sticks. Not only will this give you the effect you will have in the field, but will give insight as to your maximum practical range for your hunting. Likely the groups will be a bit larger from the sticks as compared to the bench! This should eliminate/minimize the questions as to the infamous question...."How did I miss"?

Matter of fact.....will be verifying my zero very soon! Hunting season approaching rapidly! memtb
I won't suggest any gear, that will be for you to decide, lord knows I have bought and tried my share over the years.

Run what ya brung so to speak. Shooting from mocked up field positions with what you have confidence in. You know what the rig is capable of shooting off of bench with bags, so strive for the same with various positions.

I would do a bit of checking of your ammo as far as the projectiles are concerned. Some HP's work better than others.
Mason, here again! The reason I suggested using the same system as you expect to use in the field is this.....the recoil impulse (my term) may be considerably different from your field rest than that of your bench. You could/should shoot from both. If you have the same impact point with both......super! Though, I suspect they will be different! memtb
I zero off the bench at 50 yards. 1/2" to 1" groups are a must.

I then go to my tripod setup I use and do my fine tuning since this is what I use in the field.

Now I work in 25 yard intervals off the tripod. Take notes on the bullet drop at each interval as well as how many clicks to come up on each interval. Notes are place on a 3x5 card which is easy to carry in the field.

If you change anything on the reloading setup, bullet weight, seating depth, powder change, etc... Do another work up on the drops again.

I've stayed with the same bullet/powder combination for sometime and don't plan on changing anytime soon.

Then it just takes practice.
All 357 magnum







Ernie, please share more info about your revolver in the pictures.
I zero off the bench at 50 yards. 1/2" to 1" groups are a must.

I then go to my tripod setup I use and do my fine tuning since this is what I use in the field.

Now I work in 25 yard intervals off the tripod. Take notes on the bullet drop at each interval as well as how many clicks to come up on each interval. Notes are place on a 3x5 card which is easy to carry in the field.

If you change anything on the reloading setup, bullet weight, seating depth, powder change, etc... Do another work up on the drops again.

I've stayed with the same bullet/powder combination for sometime and don't plan on changing anytime soon.

Then it just takes practice.

K9TXS, Are those groups with a revolver......if so, pretty darn good shoot'n! 👍 memtb
K9TXS, pretty impressive groups!

I think that with a scope and some tuning (cylinder work) I could improve my 100 yard groups a bit. My 460 8 3/8" XVR is box stock!

I have one "charge hole" that continually throws a shot.....opening up my groups. My best 100 yard group, using a 3 moa red dot sight, has been 2 9/16".

I'm in mental conflict with sending my cylinder across the country for a "tune-up"! memtb
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Hey Ernie, I know that this is a bit off topic but, what happened to the HandgunHunting forum? Is it gone, or am I doing something wrong....I can't get on the forum! memtb