Depends on usage. If you don't mind the extra 1# for the adjustable cheek, the PRS2 is an amazing stock. Very comfortable, flat bottom fore end for bipods or bags. With or without mini chassis for DBM. Can be ordered with no mini chassis for M5 DBM or BDL (R700 or Oberndorf) too. I have 2 with mini chassis to run Accurate mags, one with pillars and M5 DBM for mags, and one with pilars for R700 BDL.
EH1 is a pound lighter without an adjustable cheek piece. You can add an ultralight cheek piece that is a thin CF form, with plastic spacers that weighs 3oz instead of 16oz. Same vertical grip, slightly rounded fore arm, and straight comb with almost no drop to get your head up higher. Same options for bottom metal as the PRS2. I have one with a mini chassis and Accurate mags, one with pillars and M5 DBM w. Mags, and two with pillars and BDL (one R700 and one Oberndorf). I have another one on order now for a new build I am working on. Pillars and M5 DBM.