Yes I guess you could call me that (an old school Democrat)... as a matter of fact, I like it... thanks.I said that because it seems as if someone who doesn't agree with another opinion or thoughts even though they have no knowledge of their own treats other like democraps do. My guess is you are probably what I refer to as an old school Democrat not the new democraps (socialist agenda). If you would like to know my political opinions I will be happy to share them with you. As far as a political view point when talking about guns, guns are one of the biggest political points in US politics. But you being in Germany I wouldn't expect you to keep up with US politics as much. With your comment about Trump, I think you are insinuating that I would be voting for him. I don't believe he is the correct person for the job this time around. As for previously he did a awesome.job financially for the country, world relations were good, and job markets were great.
As far as insinuating... I was not, my point was that during his reign the most mud slinging was be done on these forums. I am far from anti-gun or anything close to it but of course I believe there is such a thing as "keeping it real". I appreciate your response Lee7588... we're sure to meet up again. Btw, I'd enjoy talking politics sometime... I'm always willing to learn... although I doubt we'll see that much real difference between us...