New Remington 300 WM 783


Mar 8, 2014
Mount Dora,FL
I just purchased a new Remington 300 WM 783 and the action seems to be very tight. Will this get looser as time goes on or is there something I can do to it now? I would like it to move in and out with less force. It takes considerable amount of force on the bolt to close it and if your lying down on the ground. It's very hard to close the breach.gun)lightbulb
Very simple... if it doesn't function properly after cycling the bolt a bunch of times, call Remington, get a return shipping label via e-mail. Hand it to the lady at the UPS Store and within a reasonable amount of time (usually as quick or quicker than a gunsmith), you'll get the gun back and it will probably function properly. Remember that Remington is quality control challenged and regards the customer as a full partner in their QC Department. Or, don't and deal with the aggravation, time and expense of dealing with a newly purchased item with your hard earned money that wasn't right. Either way is a means to an end.
Does it feel like its binding? Or does it have a stiff firing pin spring, and its hard to cock it. With a short bolt handle and a stiff spring it will be hard to close if it cocks the firing pin when closing the bolt.
The bolt seems to side in and out easy enough. It's when you push down on the bolt handle to finish the load cycle. Witch as you stated. It is probably a heavy firing pin spring. I have never owned a brand new large bore rifle before, so this is new to me. I believe that some more use and it will loosen up some. I sprayed some Rem oil on the bolt area and that seemed to help a bunch. Thanks for the reply.Jeff
The bolt seems to side in and out easy enough. It's when you push down on the bolt handle to finish the load cycle. Witch as you stated. It is probably a heavy firing pin spring. I have never owned a brand new large bore rifle before, so this is new to me. I believe that some more use and it will loosen up some. I sprayed some Rem oil on the bolt area and that seemed to help a bunch. Thanks for the reply.Jeff
Good luck, It might loosen up some but probably not much.. Let us know how it shoots, I'm thinking of one in 7mag. Does it have a 26" barrel?
Yes it does have a 26" barrel. I have shot it 15 times and it will let you know it's a 300 magnum. I haven't adjusted the trigger pull from it coming out of the box and it seems to be a very smooth pull. I don't know how many lbs. the pull is, but it seems very lite. The pad on the butt shock isn't very forgiving. 15 times is all I wanted for the first time and I've been shooting 270's, 308,s and 7.62x54 and they are no match for the kick this thing has. I was going to get a 7mm, but I could resist the price I got the 300 for. Plus it had a $40.00 mail-in rebate from Remington.
Yes it does have a 26" barrel. I have shot it 15 times and it will let you know it's a 300 magnum. I haven't adjusted the trigger pull from it coming out of the box and it seems to be a very smooth pull. I don't know how many lbs. the pull is, but it seems very lite. The pad on the butt shock isn't very forgiving. 15 times is all I wanted for the first time and I've been shooting 270's, 308,s and 7.62x54 and they are no match for theh kick this thing has. I was going to get a 7mm, but I could resist the price I got the 300 for. Plus it had a $40.00 mail-in rebate from Remington.
Hahaha I know what you mean, I just got a unbraked .300 Weatherby it I shot today, and it definitely is not my 30-06....
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