New mexico oryx

Pretty low draw odds but it is a super fun hunt. I drew the off range a couple years ago and hope to draw again. It's my favorite animal to eat.
The eating is magnificent, the memories are better. I shall be trying to draw broken horn and off range hunts as long as I can walk!

I've been fortunate enough to kill and help others kill quite a few oryx over the last few years. They are one of my favorite animals to hunt and the meat is fantastic. This is one I killed last month.

Brent, are you doing Badge hunts or off range?
Both. In NM I've drawn one McGregor tag, and two population management tags on Dona Ana. I killed nice oryx on all three.

I've picked up quite a few Oryx off range on the Texas side as they come off of McGregor training area.
Brent, congratulations and its obvious to me you are more aware of New Mexican opportunities than I am. Care to fill me in more precisely?

Brent, congratulations and its obvious to me you are more aware of New Mexican opportunities than I am. Care to fill me in more precisely?


I get some opportunity from being active duty. I spend a lot of time on McGregor training area and I drew three McGregor tags my first year on Bliss. This allowed me to learn a lot about units 28, 29, and 34.

The population management hunts were both strokes of luck after not drawing a single NM tag in the regular draw the last two years.

The Texas thing is just research and figuring out a few access laws. Oryx are an exotic there if you know what that means.

At your convenience I should like to communicate with you concerning Oryx opportunities in N.M. The two people who accompanied me had been trying to draw this hunt for 10 and 11 years unsuccessfully.
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