New Lapua Brass 7mm-08

Lapua brass hasn't been any better than any other brands I've used. Dented up necks and very inconsistent neck tension is the main issues I've had with it.

I seen a brand new box of 338 lm that looked like it had been run over by a forklift and dragged around the parking lot before it was placed carelessly into the blue box.
Have yall thought about the fact that Lapua's products transit from Lapua's plant (Finland), overseas and all over the world to each distributor, THEN to each retailer, and yet again to your house... And that somewhere in that long distance of travel, the boxes of brass might be getting knocked-around, which could be the cause of the issues you have presented, and that it was perfect when it left the factory?

If that's the case, how is it Lapua's fault for ****** transport drivers and lazy ***'s beating and tossing-around packages with YOUR stuff in them? That sounds like UPS/Fed-Ex/USPS's fault to me.
I am another one that has had nothing but good luck with Lapua brass.

I can understand that problems can show up with "Any" brand of brass and long ago decided to alter my loading procedure to head off these problems.

When I buy new brass, I like to use an inside neck sizer to uniform the ID of the neck, then use a good fitting turning mandrel and turn the necks just enough to clean any concentricity issues up and uniform the neck thickness. Then I set the sizing die to size the case neck to get the proper bullet tension and load.

I have found that when I do new cases this way before firing, the first time, The chamber can true the case to the bore centerline and everything remains centered with uniform thickness of the neck.

I have found that cases that have not been done this way end up with inconsistent concentricity when loaded because the chamber will/can move the neck centerline off center buy whatever the neck wall thickness difference is.

The end results have been, better SDs and uniform neck tensions. (I do this with all brands of brass).

There are good batches of brass and bad batches with any brand of brass. And this has solved these issues for me with all brands so it has become the normal way I start with new brass.

As far as the primer pocket issue, I have had no issues with any new brass, but many different brands of brass that had been fired has developed loose pockets at different firing count intervals.

The dents in the necks are part of a handling problem at the manufactures that may/does happen to any brand of brass and should be addressed before loading in my opinion, but as long as it does not hinder the loading process, it does not appear to hurt the brass/load performance very much.

Just the way I like to prep new brass.

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Have yall thought about the fact that Lapua's products transit from Lapua's plant (Finland), overseas and all over the world to each distributor, THEN to each retailer, and yet again to your house... And that somewhere in that long distance of travel, the boxes of brass might be getting knocked-around, which could be the cause of the issues you have presented, and that it was perfect when it left the factory?

If that's the case, how is it Lapua's fault for ****** transport drivers and lazy ***'s beating and tossing-around packages with YOUR stuff in them? That sounds like UPS/Fed-Ex/USPS's fault to me.

How does the shipping affect neck tension in cases that aren't dented? I believe I could slam the boxes on the floor and wouldn't get the amount of dents that I've gotten in some of these boxes.
Have yall thought about the fact that Lapua's products transit from Lapua's plant (Finland), overseas and all over the world to each distributor, THEN to each retailer, and yet again to your house... And that somewhere in that long distance of travel, the boxes of brass might be getting knocked-around, which could be the cause of the issues you have presented, and that it was perfect when it left the factory?

If that's the case, how is it Lapua's fault for ****** transport drivers and lazy ***'s beating and tossing-around packages with YOUR stuff in them? That sounds like UPS/Fed-Ex/USPS's fault to me.

Except everything else in the shipment was perfectly fin including winchester brass that comes in bags. The blue box was not damaged in any way. For the brass to get that damaged it would have had to been put in the box that way.
Except everything else in the shipment was perfectly fin including winchester brass that comes in bags. The blue box was not damaged in any way. For the brass to get that damaged it would have had to been put in the box that way.
The plastic blue box wouldn't be that damaged... It's plastic, and malleable. The brass inside, however, could have taken a hell of a beating. I've got no faith in shipping companies. I had a 1-ton brake rotor get broken by Fed-Ex years ago. How the hell they managed to brake a chunk off a 1-ton brake rotor is beyond me, other than pure neglect and mistreatment. Since then, I have had little faith in the US shipping companies.

Personal opinion.
The plastic blue box wouldn't be that damaged... It's plastic, and malleable. The brass inside, however, could have taken a hell of a beating. I've got no faith in shipping companies. I had a 1-ton brake rotor get broken by Fed-Ex years ago. How the hell they managed to brake a chunk off a 1-ton brake rotor is beyond me, other than pure neglect and mistreatment. Since then, I have had little faith in the US shipping companies.

Personal opinion.

Except that in the shipping box filled with other makes of brass, bullets, patches and a few other odds and ends the 338 lapua brass was the only thing damaged. The shipping box didn't have mark on it from mistreatment.
Lapua brass hasn't been any better than any other brands I've used. Dented up necks and very inconsistent neck tension is the main issues I've had with it.

Opinions are exactly that, and everyone has varying experience with X, but all it matters is "your" current experience that you are dealing with. Good luck, hope you iron it out.
Personally, I'm tickled pink to hear fewer people will be buying Lapua brass. Means there'll be more of that horrible inconsistent dented up ugly brass for me to stuff with powder and bullets to shoot little bughole groups with over and over again. 😉
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