Sure, open season for a an animal thats population does not currently pose any problems. Might as well have open season for deer in NJ since there are more of those than coyote.
223Rem, Since you can "bag" 20 deer a year (better buy more frezzer space) why are you worried about a coyote? In case you didn't know what a coyote's diet consists of, let me educate you. Whitetail deer, Mule deer, Blacktail deer, Columbia Whitetail deer, all of the above fawns, Elk calves, Antelope fawns, ( to the point out west they do airial gunning to reduce coyote numbers to improve Antelope fawn numbers), Turkeys, Pheasants, Geese, Ducks, Quail, Grouse, eggs from nests of these birds, domestic dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, chickens, domestic sheep, lambs and calves. Anything they can catch, kill and eat.
Out west we have 'open season' on coyotes year around. Guess what! Coyotes are smart, they adapt, we still have more coyotes than we know what to do with.
I would guess you don't belong to the NRA. With your quote, "The Federal ban was the best thing for NJ...", (very scary from a 'hunter') leads me to believe that maybe NJ does suck.