Using on my phone, it's new and will take some getting used to, but I got no complaints. Been able to figure everything out so far. Good job on a quick seamless transition. I went to bed last night it was old, woke up this morning it's new, and everything works. Not an easy feat in my experience.
I see less adds, must be adblocker. I like the new site its fine just isn't like it used to be for alerts. I'm sure everyone will get used to it quickly.
Chris, I have the same problem in classifieds as CO. There is no way I can find on my computer screen to order the posts newest to oldest. I don't really care about newest to oldest updates ie most recent replies to posts. And the latest classifieds area makes me look at all the classified categories instead of just the one I want.
Ok looked a little more and got it. I have to filter by first message in descending order. Not as easy as clicking on the arrow like the old way.
I am some, and seem to become "some" more often the older I get. Not sure it is any better or worse but the old format was comfortable if nothing else. You may have already done it and I don't know but a simple tutorial of the new features wold be helpful for the more technology challenged. I am one of those some too and can't figure out what happens if I mark a forum read and if that is going to be a good thing or make me through my phone down and "Rule 4 Violation" for 5 minutes.
We all didn't grow up with this stuff and some that did we're hoping it would go away. We are just trying to get by so a little help is appreciated until we get comfy again.