New Dies


Aug 18, 2020
New to forum and reloading ,just got the RCBS Matchmaster Comp dies in.223. Upon arrival I noticed these are marked B set. Everything I have read most people use S type dies. Nothing in the description noted which type dies they were. Concerned these may not work, don't want to get something that will not work. Can't find any info as to the differences in the B,S and X dies
Any info would be appreciated.
If they are stamped .223 they will work for a .223. " S Type" dies are made by Redding. RCBS has die groups, but I think 223 dies are in group A. The "group" they are in has nothing to do with how they will work, I think they are grouped by price and or popularity. Here is there reference chart:
Thanks Axl, lots to learn on this but glad I found this forum, ordered a bushing for neck sizing but got one a tad too big. Hopefully the new one will get me going, and yes they are stamped .223 as "Matchmaster FL
B set ./23 Rem.
thanks again
OK, Thanks highdrum,do you run the gap between the bushing and die so it can free float. have tried a few today and it seems I have to run it almost tight to get my bushing to go down to the shoulder. If I move die down in press then my headspace goes south. Probably me since I'm new to this stuff. Thanks for the reply,
OK, Thanks highdrum,do you run the gap between the bushing and die so it can free float. have tried a few today and it seems I have to run it almost tight to get my bushing to go down to the shoulder. If I move die down in press then my headspace goes south. Probably me since I'm new to this stuff. Thanks for the reply,
I run the jam nut all the way down till its tight, then back out an 1/8 of turn to float. You want some float to prevent runout of the neck.
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