New 30/375 wildcat


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
hauser, id.
I've decided to chamber my new build in a modified version of the 30/375. The standard version has only a .253" neck so I'm having a reamer built to better fit my needs. It will have a .320" neck to better accomodate my 225 grain SXR (738 b.c.) The throat will also be longer so as not to reduce the case capacity. The body taper will be less and the shoulder will be changed to 40 degrees. With the body blown out and the 40 degree shoulder, case capacity should remain close to the original even though the shoulder is bumped back. I am estimating 93 grains. The coal of the 225 grainer seated to the lands, will be approx. 3.790" so it will work in a Wyatt box. MV in a 28" barrel should easily reach 2900'. Some of you have expressed interest in this round, so the reamer may be available when I get it. Hornady will be making the dies and they are only about 8-10 weeks out now on their custom stuff.........Rich
Sounds great!

First question that popped up in my mind was, how are you going to make the new cases for initial firing in the chamber? That is quite a bit to push the shoulder back, .067". Never tried that, might have a problem with buckling the cases. You are going to make them out of 375 Ruger cases, right?
Sounds great!

First question that popped up in my mind was, how are you going to make the new cases for initial firing in the chamber? That is quite a bit to push the shoulder back, .067". Never tried that, might have a problem with buckling the cases. You are going to make them out of 375 Ruger cases, right?

I don't think pushing the shoulder back will be a problem. I will have some custom dies made by Hornady based on my reamer. I will leave the shoulder (tight) when I resize the case for proper headspacing as the body will be expanded another .006" as the 40 degree shoulder is formed.......Rich
But you have to move the shoulder quite a bit before you could even chamber a case. Since you are not contacting the entire surface of the shoulder, sorta like chambering a case in an Ackley chamber, then you would be able to crush the case in if it was about .020" or so.

If you run it into the custom die then that would be a lot of direct pressure on the shoulder.

Might work, I would just work the dies out before buying the reamer and do a case. Might be cheaper.
But you have to move the shoulder quite a bit before you could even chamber a case. Since you are not contacting the entire surface of the shoulder, sorta like chambering a case in an Ackley chamber, then you would be able to crush the case in if it was about .020" or so.

If you run it into the custom die then that would be a lot of direct pressure on the shoulder.

Might work, I would just work the dies out before buying the reamer and do a case. Might be cheaper.

I may run it through a .338 first. Not sure yet......Rich
So are you going to use the 375Ruger?

Yes. I'm thinking this might make a pretty sweet conversion for some guys that have eroded their 300WM's too. It should clean the chamber and throat right up by setting the barrel back a couple of threads.......Rich
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Rich, do you have a method to figure out what neck length per cal you want or do you just have a favorite.

Hi Rhian.....I am no expert by any stretch but I ask a lot of questions:D. I like to have at least the length of the bullet diameter and in this case shooting my 225 grainers at approx. 1.66" in length, I felt the .320" neck would be good........Rich
Hi Rhian.....I am no expert by any stretch but I ask a lot of questions:D. I like to have at least the length of the bullet diameter and in this case shooting my 225 grainers at approx. 1.66" in length, I felt the .320" neck would be good........Rich

Thanks Rich, I'm going to shoot ya a PM :D
Gunwerks has their 7 lrm and the shoulder is already pushed back. You might only need to run it over the expander and then fireform. At $1.25 a piece of brass this might be much cheaper and easier to achieve your goal
Gunwerks has their 7 lrm and the shoulder is already pushed back. You might only need to run it over the expander and then fireform. At $1.25 a piece of brass this might be much cheaper and easier to achieve your goal

Do you know if the LRM just has the shoulder pushed back and nothing else?
Do you kmnow if the LRM is simply a necked down 375 or has it been reformed?...Rich

Its proprietary. Brass is made for gunwerks by hornady. It will be out in feb. Currently they use 375 basic brass and form it in 4-5 steps with forming dies from hornady. It has a long neck and the shoulder is pushed back.
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