Need help!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
Sharpsburg, GA
Have boat moose hunt planned fall of 2019. This is my dilemma. Stiller Predator LA with 8/40 holes for screws. Luepold 30mm VX3i 4.5x14x40 scope of choice. I have tried Talley lite weight rings lows and could not get scope low enough to bore sight. They don't make extra lows with 8/40 screws. Would a one piece 20 moa and extra low rings get me in the ball park. Any help most appreciated.
The Vortex Razor II 4.5-27x56 would be a better choice for scope.
Based on what? OP is asking for ring/base advice and mentions already having a scope in mind. The Razor Gen2 is 48.5 ounces plus the weight of the larger rings whereas the Leupold comes in around 16 ounces, give or take. Weren't you mentioning in another thread how 21 ounces is too heavy for a scope? Moose hunting I'm guessing he won't need all of that higher end magnification. Don't get me wrong, I like that Vortex a lot and would put one on any of my rifles, but not sure it's what the OP is looking for here.
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