Need help with some long range advice

Alright so there wouldn't be a good ammo that I could buy over counter? I have a kilo 2200 LRH but i wasnt sure on sticking with it or going to maybe a leica. Also what would be a good ballistics app? Do i need to chronograph my ammo as well?
There's lots of decent ammo on the market you can buy over the counter, the problem is in finding a load that your particular rifle shoots exceptionally well and is loaded with a good hunting bullet.

Used to be ammo was relatively cheap so you could buy four or five boxes of different loads, bullet types, weights etc to see what your rifle liked the best but with a lot of premium ammo costing around or upwards of 3.00/shot that gets prohibitively expensive in a hurry.

If you want to go that route try Hornady Precision Hunter, Federal Premium, and Winchester Supreme as I've found both to be pretty reliable over the years.

With the factory ammo it can vary from lot to lot so if you do find a particular load that works exceptionally well for you and you can't buy up a considerable supply from the same lot you may never be able to repeat it with future lots.

In the long term though the answer is loading your own so you can pick your components and tune a load to each rifle.
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