need help with rifle choice for elk and muleys

pulled the trigger on a new build. I will do a new build thread when I start getting pictures.
I ordered
stiller predator l/a
bell Carlson Alaskan II stock
jewell trigger
muller works #4 fluted barrel chambered in a 300 winmag
csr side port magnum muzzle brake

I need to start thinking about scope-base-rings . is there a base I can buy that if I wanted to shoot long range with a higher power scope then change out to lower power to go brush hunting with. have 1 gun 2 scope and ring setups. or is this a bad idea taking chance that scope would be off during switch. thought I saw someone doing this with a picattinny rail setup.

i would not mess with switching scopes. get are variable power that does both. put a 2.5-8 on the 308 and use it for brush.
my 308 will always come with me anyways. thinking about updating my scope have a bushnell legend ultra hd 3 x 9 -40mm on it . my original deal I wanted to keep it light and inexpensive so if it did get banged around in the brush I wouldn't feel so bad. but then again it is my backup for Colorado and my primary whitetail rifle here. my brothers kid needs a scope for his 243 anyways think he might get my bushnell and I will upgrade. kinda liking the lighted wider cross hairs anyways in my old age.
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