Need help with new muzzle loader

Your gun should shoot better than that. Adjust your powder charge by 5 grain increments until you get better groups. Powerbelt ELR are designed for your gun, so theoretically they should shoot well.

I sent mine back because I wasn't happy with the barrel. They sent back a target with a 2.5" 3 shot group at 100 yards and said it was fine. If you want to get fancy, you can get a bullet sizer and size other bullets to fit your barrel without a sabot. I use a 1/8" wool wad under mine and get fair accuracy with 777.

Consistency is the key to accuracy. Make sure you pour the powder evenly each time,, and ram the rod down with the same force each time.

Some people claim that the sabot needs to twist with the rifling on the way down or it will bung up the sabot and cause flyers. I bought a Spinjag and it does seem like I have fewer flyers. They make one designed for the ELR.

Some people believe that a too powerful primer will push the bullet down the bore before the powder fully ignites. I wouldn't think that would be a problem with large rifle primers, but you might want to try a non magnum primer.
First outing was not to impressive.
I'm sure I could of shot a better group with a 12 guage and Buck shot haha.

Speed was 2020-2080 fps. Groups at 100 where horrible.
We are using 77 grain by volume of BH 209 with a rem 9.5 mag primer.
Anybody have any suggestions.
My son wants to try different bullets.
And this is no man's land for me I have zero experience with muzzleloader
The groups were probably 6 to 8 inches at 100 yards 😬
I would try pushing them faster. The base may not be properly sealing at lower charge weights.
Also make sure you stripped that barrel clean. Those barrels are made in Spain and shipped with a preservative inside called Cosmoline, some have it some don't, depends how it was shipped I guess weather they put Cosmoline in it. I've got 2 LRXs. The one with Cosmoline took a few hours to clean up. I ended having to soak the barrel in Seafoam to strip it all out! If your has cosmoline in it you've got to get it out or it will shoot like crap! Patches will be brown/rusty looking before shooting if the Cos is present. Good luck!
Your gun should shoot better than that. Adjust your powder charge by 5 grain increments until you get better groups. Powerbelt ELR are designed for your gun, so theoretically they should shoot well.

I sent mine back because I wasn't happy with the barrel. They sent back a target with a 2.5" 3 shot group at 100 yards and said it was fine. If you want to get fancy, you can get a bullet sizer and size other bullets to fit your barrel without a sabot. I use a 1/8" wool wad under mine and get fair accuracy with 777.

Consistency is the key to accuracy. Make sure you pour the powder evenly each time,, and ram the rod down with the same force each time.

Some people claim that the sabot needs to twist with the rifling on the way down or it will bung up the sabot and cause flyers. I bought a Spinjag and it does seem like I have fewer flyers. They make one designed for the ELR.

Some people believe that a too powerful primer will push the bullet down the bore before the powder fully ignites. I wouldn't think that would be a problem with large rifle primers, but you might want to try a non magnum primer.

When you say increase by 5 grains your talking by weight correct ?
I'd ditch the Powerbelts if I were you. They are well known for their poor terminal performance. You've chosen the best powder though.

Maybe try the new Hornady .45 Bore Drivers if you are set on (or required by law to use) full-bore conicals.

What did you experience with them as being poor? We've killed a boat load of deer with them and all DRT! I'd like to try the new Hornady as well but have not seen them available anywhere. They look almost identical to the PB.
What did you experience with them as being poor? We've killed a boat load of deer with them and all DRT! I'd like to try the new Hornady as well but have not seen them available anywhere. They look almost identical to the PB.
The Powerbelts are plated - the Hornadys are a jacketed bullet.

I've never used any Powerbelt - they've always had and still have a terrible reputation. Do a little searching on the various forums and you'll find lots of issues and guys who have had bad experiences. Much better options out there.

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