Need help to learn


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2010
Hampton AR
I would like to learn how to fit and use reamers and use lathe to true action is there a scoop I can go to or is someone near Tx that is willing to teach me I don't have time to go to full length school but I am a quick learner maybe in a vidio or and then some hands on with someone who knows how to get it perfect I'm willing to pay for your time any help would be wonderful might even take u on a bobcat hunt in west Tx thanks
These aren't things you'll learn in a couple of hours or a couple of days or from a video. To get the basics, I'd suggest attending a night time machining class at your local community college.
I have some experience on a lathe and mill if some one could teach me the end result and be perfect every time I could put the time in and practice
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