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The Jewell with top right safety and bolt release is 215 shipped. The one with top right safety no bolt release is 205 shipped. Both are instock. As far as the chronograph the magneto speed is very easy to setup and use. I just chambered up a barrel for the upcoming state championship this weekend. My break in was throwing the magneto speed on her. Shooting 5 shots into the hill and seeing single digit extreme spread and calling it good enough. Now to start loading the 200 rounds for this weekend.

Ryan Pierce
Piercision Rifles
The Jewell with top right safety and bolt release is 215 shipped. The one with top right safety no bolt release is 205 shipped. Both are instock. As far as the chronograph the magneto speed is very easy to setup and use. I just chambered up a barrel for the upcoming state championship this weekend. My break in was throwing the magneto speed on her. Shooting 5 shots into the hill and seeing single digit extreme spread and calling it good enough. Now to start loading the 200 rounds for this weekend.

Ryan Pierce
Piercision Rifles

Good luck this weekend Ryan. If you shoot as well as you conduct business you will come back the winner. Thanks again for outstanding service and a great trigger. You are my go to place for rifle related products. For everyone here, this is an honest and trustworthy man to buy from. You will do yourself a favor in dealing with Ryan. You are treated as a person over being just a customer.

Once again. thank you and good luck Ryan.

Larry J. Heintze
Thank you for the kind words Larry I appreciate it. Hopefully I win. I don't want to end my 4 year winning streak on it, lol. Im more or less just fireforming brass though for nationals. The fireforming load shoots pretty good though. The first relay I shot with it was a 200-17x at 600 yd fclass match earlier this year.
Thank you for the kind words Larry I appreciate it. Hopefully I win. I don't want to end my 4 year winning streak on it, lol. Im more or less just fireforming brass though for nationals. The fireforming load shoots pretty good though. The first relay I shot with it was a 200-17x at 600 yd fclass match earlier this year.

Fine shooting man. My money is with you. Hope you go clean in the Nationals. Good luck, keep me and every one else posted.
Well the first day went great. I shot 800-52x out of 800 w a brand new barrel and fireforming. Managed a 200-17x. Today I slipped to 2nd and was out x'd by a customer. We both had 1596 out of 1600, he had 4 more x's w 108. On the f-tr side my good friend and customer Dan Lentz won and tied the national record in the process, 200-16x. His overall score was 1590-99x which is amazing considering he's using a 308 off a bipod. Overall it was a great weekend to shoot w friends.
Well the first day went great. I shot 800-52x out of 800 w a brand new barrel and fireforming. Managed a 200-17x. Today I slipped to 2nd and was out x'd by a customer. We both had 1596 out of 1600, he had 4 more x's w 108. On the f-tr side my good friend and customer Dan Lentz won and tied the national record in the process, 200-16x. His overall score was 1590-99x which is amazing considering he's using a 308 off a bipod. Overall it was a great weekend to shoot w friends.

Thanks for the report and great shooting Ryan. I know you are going to do well at the nationals. (Maybe you should build a .308) Just kidding. I love the .308 for every day shooting. I have two of them and both shoot well.

Just got the Jewell trigger installed in the .300 Win. Mag. I'm getting better at installing them. Took me 22 min. to install in my lap. I counted the 2 min. it took me to find the dropped front pin.

Thanks again Ryan, good luck in the future.
As a Wild Life Officer police armor I had to disassemble guns in many conditions on ranges or where an officer met me with a gun he was having a problem with. I carried a big red apron in my armor kit. put it on sit down, adjust the apron so you have a big pocket between your extended legs. Then work over the pocket. This pocket catches springs, pins, and such. Still use it today to catch parts when working with little parts. It is sort of a make shift Jewelers Apron like they use to work on watches over.
As a Wild Life Officer police armor I had to disassemble guns in many conditions on ranges or where an officer met me with a gun he was having a problem with. I carried a big red apron in my armor kit. put it on sit down, adjust the apron so you have a big pocket between your extended legs. Then work over the pocket. This pocket catches springs, pins, and such. Still use it today to catch parts when working with little parts. It is sort of a make shift Jewelers Apron like they use to work on watches over.

Wish I had one earlier. Took me a couple minutes to locate a dropped front pin.
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