N570 is giving me fits in a measure.

Yep. I call all of the VV powders like
560, 565, 570 the chunky monkeys.

I started w an old Lee powder throw, and it would always bridge off and stop up. I had to use a paperclip to
unstop every other throw......not a recipe for accurate shooting or groups.

I use chargemater trickler now and anything that works on auto trickle and weigh is the way to go with these powders.......corn cobs, lincoln logs, all apt descriptions.

The Fins never notice cause they throw in a shot of Ootzo between each powder throw I guess.....

N568 works a bit better..
N570 is a PITA to load. I have a Harrell's measure and it bridges every throw of the handle. I have to tap the drop tube with my powder funnel each time to dislodge the bridging. The large size of those powder grains make me think that I'm loading a 16 50 Navy Battleship Rifle.