N570 dirty?

Don't give up on it yet! It is a little dirty, but it might turn out to be worth it. I'm seeing really nice velocity and accuracy out of my 22" 6.8 western. My last few range trips I'm averaging roughly 3,040fps and 2" groups at 300yds.
Appears dirty because not burning all the powder as in 100% burn. It's sending unburned powder out the barrel. Too slow for the load. A powder that has 100% burn IN the barrel will yield slightly slower velocity, better accuracy, less muzzle pressure WAY cleaner.
N570 really shines with heavy bullets and long barrels. Longer bullet time in the barrel pushing bigger bullets and the extra length also gives powder time to burn. Also velocity increase.
It burns nice and clean for me in my loads but I do what I just described. Not for everyone / every cartridge.
!00% full case, 100% full burn in the barrel = YAHOO !!
This is my elk rifle, so less concerned about barrel life. Had great accuracy and speed one day with manageable pressure, and then same bullets and loads are all over the place the next day. I am going to back off loads and try it again. Have changed nothing so a bit perplexed. Been loading for well over 40 years with a lot of fast wildcats and have nit had this inconsistency issue before. Thoughts appreciated.
That's weird. All of my rifles running n570 and n550 are 3-5fps difference in every shot I've checked. I don't think it's any dirtier than other powders. But I am at max or over max load on them. My 7/300nmi shooting 180 bib bullets will float around 3395-3397 every shot I've checked. I'm curious of what you find out is causing it.
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