I had a good friend of my father-in-law miss a nice 8 point buck about 15 years ago in Northern GA. Now it does get cold here in GA in the winter. It was in late December and was in the low teens. He squeezed the trigger and it went click, but no bang, racked another shell - same thing and then the ejected shell it his tree stand and the buck was gone. He took it to a gunsmith to have the bolt checked out. Got it back, put it in the freezer, took it out the next day and put a primed case in it and it did the same thing. My father-in-law called me, I got the bolt (Kimber) and took apart-it was dirty with oil. The other gunsmith never took it apart. I cleaned all the parts, put G-96 on it and then wiped it off and also sprayed it with compressed air to make sure that there was no residue left. Put it in the freezer for several days-FIRED every time while at sub ZERO temp.I either somehow got moisture around the firing pin or the factory lube in the bolt got stiff enough to not let the pin hit the primer. My bet is moisture. The outside temp was 18 or 19 deg. Oil seems unlikely to be the culprit. My plan it to take bolt apart....lube with g96 like coyote shadow tracker suggested. Then put in freezer over night and see if it goes boom. I plan on doing this in the future with every rifle i take out in colder weather than an iowa fall
Whenever you clean and lube your bolt make sure that you get all the lubrication residue off. Do not use REM OIL it will turn to glue after time.
I am not endorsing any products, but G-96 was developed for the Aero Space Industry and it works so well that it is marketed for firearms now. It is classified as a CLP Synthetic (Cleans, Lubricates, Protects) oil that actually bonds to metal and currently used by the Military & NATO. I think that it was tested to 50 below ZERO and went to 90 below.