My sons 1st coyote

View attachment 124815 View attachment 124816 View attachment 124817 So I've had my 12 year old son out a Bunch of times with no luck, but everything came together tonight. I made a call to a local farmer ( a place I've hunted before but it had been a couple years since last Being there ) he said have at it, so we had 40 minutes before end of shooting light. In the truck was my 22-250 and a 22lr. I tossed some of my hunting gear on him and we headed out. Set up the foxpro 50 yards in front of us and a little down wind, he got set with the 22-250 and I turned the call on distressed cottontail while I got ready with the 22lr, that was a mistake! Always get ready first! The call wasn't on 20 seconds and four dogs showed up. He took the closest one at 50 yds which didn't leave me with a shot with the 22lr. (The others were 100-150 yds out) I barked to try and stop the others with no luck. Anyway he's pumped!! And dad is jealous cause I've never shot a blond dog before. 40lbs according to the bathroom scale with me holding it
View attachment 124815 View attachment 124816 View attachment 124817 So I've had my 12 year old son out a Bunch of times with no luck, but everything came together tonight. I made a call to a local farmer ( a place I've hunted before but it had been a couple years since last Being there ) he said have at it, so we had 40 minutes before end of shooting light. In the truck was my 22-250 and a 22lr. I tossed some of my hunting gear on him and we headed out. Set up the foxpro 50 yards in front of us and a little down wind, he got set with the 22-250 and I turned the call on distressed cottontail while I got ready with the 22lr, that was a mistake! Always get ready first! The call wasn't on 20 seconds and four dogs showed up. He took the closest one at 50 yds which didn't leave me with a shot with the 22lr. (The others were 100-150 yds out) I barked to try and stop the others with no luck. Anyway he's pumped!! And dad is jealous cause I've never shot a blond dog before. 40lbs according to the bathroom scale with me holding it


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Thanks for sharing the pictures and story. It's a proud moment for a dad to see that look on a sons face. He's a lucky little boy.
Thanks guys for all the kind words, I take him out every chance I get hunting, fishing, camping, lots of shooting and Boy Scout activities, snowmobiling, not a lot of tv time here! We've had a lot of firsts this past two seasons. First deer was in TX, came home first cottontail rabbit in MA, then we went to NH for snowshoe hare, and this past spring his CT turkey and a deer here in CT as well! Whew! We been busy I never had these opportunities when I was a boy. I know this is a coyote thread but I could post pics of the other "firsts" , that smile never changes , he loves hunting!
Here's his Texas deer 12/30/17 oh yea, that WAS my 257 Roberts.. his now.
22.5 lb 10 1/2" beard. I told him your settin the bar pretty high! I don't think he realizes yet.
I'm glad your not shy, thanks for sharing. You should be proud to show those pictures to everyone you meet!
Brings back good memories as a youngster with friends.Have fun making all the memories you can.
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