My New Gunwerks LR-1000 7LRM Rifle Left Hand

Any update on this? I'd really like to hear back from you about it. I have my parts sitting ready to go to them, but just wanted to hear some actual first hand info from someone other than Gunwerks.
Any update on this? I'd really like to hear back from you about it. I have my parts sitting ready to go to them, but just wanted to hear some actual first hand info from someone other than Gunwerks.

Thanks for the reply. I am in my MBA right now and this week is my second to last week. Next weekend i will be shooting my rifle and giving feedback from there. I will let u know and if u have more questions pm me and we can talk
Tell me more about the brake. It looks as if its a clamp on. I've never seen one like it.

Its called a tactical mini muscle break. The design has a set screw that lets you index the break off of an indexing mark on the under side of the barrel. It is still threaded but allows the shooter to easily remove the break when cleaning the rifle and then returning it to the correct indexing point every time for repeatability. Contact chris at benchmark barrels or the gunwerks guys for one of these.
What does it weigh

9.8lb with the nightforce on it and aci/level.

thats perfect for me. I like a 9-10lb LR rifle. Im thinking of getting a 6.5x284 carbon sheep hunter one in the next couple years and have it finished all up with nightforce at 8.5lb but thats a ways in the future. this is my perfect rifle and should do everything I need from antelope to moose.
They are going to do a barreled action for me in 7LR. I'm shipping the parts off next week. They told me around 4-6 weeks turnaround. When it's done, it should be an excellent light(er) hunting rifle. I'll be posting reports when I finally get it shooting.

I was not aware they did this........ If ya dont mind what are they charging ya to do a barreled action labor wise.... I know that you got the parts.........will they do this with parts of your choice or do they recommend which parts to get...... Do they have a broad caliber selection Dan

Midnight sorry for the hijack and that is a beautiful rifle ya got there...
I was quoted $250 to thread, chamber, fit and crown the barrel. This is all I am having them do. Ill have the barrel threaded for a brake and Cerakoted by a local smith. They were a little high on price for me compared to what I can have it done locally for.
I did not ask about other caliber choices, as I was only interested in the 7LRM.
I have a Stiller Tac300 Long action that won't require any additional true/square work. They did tell me that they would not build on a rem700 action unless they were also able to square/true it which obviously is an additional cost to the customer.

Brass was quoted to me at $1.30 a piece and dies were $100.
I was not aware they did this........ If ya dont mind what are they charging ya to do a barreled action labor wise.... I know that you got the parts.........will they do this with parts of your choice or do they recommend which parts to get...... Do they have a broad caliber selection Dan

Midnight sorry for the hijack and that is a beautiful rifle ya got there...

they will do most any action

chamber and install a barrel is $250

installing a break is $125 (depending on break)

I have checked their price against many others and they are the same for almost any part of the process. If I thought they were out of line then I wouldnt have used them. the thing people need to understand is they offer lots of services that others dont and thats where the price goes up. If you send them a stiller action, your break, your barrel and just want them to put it together then it will be about $375 if you want them to bed the action or put one of their bedding blocks in and tune the trigger, shoot it for drops and a bunch of other stuff then it will cost more.
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