My new 6.5WSM! Finally done!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
Moscow Idaho
Here it is. After a couple years of planning, starting, changing my mind. Selling componants, buying the same stuff again. After finishing all the guns I have had waiting for others I got to finish one for my self. Now all I have to do is learn how to shoot a pistol! I am taking it out again this afternoon for some load work. I took it out the other day to do a quick sight in and break in. It shoots half MOA at 100, but when I moved out to 200 it(I) opened up to one moa. Any ways Ill give the quick rundown...... PTG bolt, with a quickey handle I threw on cause I am limmited on time now that I am a daddy! Trigger was tuned to about 2lbs. Kreiger 1 in 7.5 twist with a 30dollar muzzle brake from Ross! Thanks Ross! the helix in the holes matches the helix on the bolt. The stock I am sure you know is a Russo laminate. Finished in clear duracoat. For those of you that might have thaught of it. It works very well. Very hard and a nice matte finish. The metal is duracoat also. Just for now. I would like to molly it. I am going to have to wait till I have an outside oven. I dont want the fumes around my little one. Oh yeah a burris 3-12 with ballistic plex that will be going in for target turrets soon. Well here it is......Thanks for looking.


That is one sharp looking Rig. Hope you enjoy it. I almost went with the 6.5WSM on my first XP and went with the 7.21 Lazzeroni my 2nd (300 Dakota) should be finished any day now. I'm looking for a 3rd and want either a 6.5 or a .257 would like to shoot 100gr bullet's really fast. Kirby's .257 Allen Magnum ought to be a screamer.
I just did two heavy coats. I covered it in one coat actually. I was ready to handle in an hour and it should be fully cured in a week or so. I was shooting it the next day. It didnt seem to soak up quite the way just auto clear does. It acts more like the gorilla glue. Just kinda seals it. I am actually thinking of trying to clear over it to see if it works fine. I like the finish now. But if I could find a shortcut to sealing and shooting them then I would have to buy more wood! If you handle it, it sure acts like it made an armour coating on the wood. I really want to just leave it the way it is. If I can have wood with out dings I would use more of it. Anyone who knows me knows I put alot into building a gun, but not so much into protecting it when hunting. They end up like me.......Pretty beat up. Is it as nice as you thaught. The color I mean? Go beavers eh? I like it. Thank you much Joel.

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