"my Monday morning rant"

I am not perfect in my language usage but I do make an effort to spell and punctuate so that my sentences are understandable. I think our scholastic
achievement level, on the world stage, is a reflection of the attitude that is displayed in many of the postings described.

I think that we, as a nation, don't take as much pride in everything that we do
as we once did. We have let "good enough" replace "our best effort" in too many aspects of our lives. It seems to me that if we take pride in everything we do that we will never have to look back and wonder, what if.

I look at this issue through the filter of, "There but for the grace of God go I".

Some are more gifted and talented than others. Is that the proper use of then/Than?:D LOL

I feel blessed that when I came to this earth, I was gifted with intellect that allows me to do many things well.

Tolerance is a trait I am trying to work on.......

you mean then/than? No need to capitalize. :D

And yes, ewe ewesed it propuhrlee
When communication degrades to the point it becomes not understandable, or it has to be read twice to get its meaning, it's no long 'communication'. Monday mornings are always rough!

Oops........ I think you meant to type "longer" I guess we are all human.

Perfect!!! :D

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I would say that a lack of computer experience could be the major culprit on this one. Some people I guess might not care either. Personally, I try to at least look like I know what I'm talking about by keeping my sentences within some standard. At least I look like I know what I'm talking about right :rolleyes:. Good rant by the way, the thing that I can really chirp along with this one is texting. I hate going places and seeing people text all the time. I see people walking down the street texting with little regard to what is in front of them. I see people sitting across from one another in restaurants texting. I see people texting at work. I see people texting pretty much in almost any conceivable action that is capable of being observed in the public.lightbulb Here is an idea, call them and have a five minute conversation, then you wont have to text all day long.lightbulb I actually canceled my texting plan on my cell phone, and it was the best decision I have ever made. No more annoying texts:D.
One guys rant is another guys .....

I've dnoe a lot of sutdying on tihs sujbcet. Teher are mnay wyas to udnretsnad waht anonhter is atmeptnig to comicumate to smonoe esle.

I can do tihs pterty wlel but can't run a lathe worth a toot.

Just havin' fun....
One guys rant is another guys .....

I've dnoe a lot of sutdying on tihs sujbcet. Teher are mnay wyas to udnretsnad waht anonhter is atmeptnig to comicumate to smonoe esle.

I can do tihs pterty wlel but can't run a lathe worth a toot.

Just havin' fun....
Now Roy you're all about communication, I remember once someone didn't seem to understand what you'd written, and you offered to meet the different style learner and explain it in person!:D
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