my long range rigs

If you have .14 in the case when touching the lands that suggests that you have .320" of free bore. ???
Cool builds. I had a couple of questions:

What custom turrets do you have on on the Leupy on your remington?
Also it looks like the remington has a "savage" looking barrel nut? is it a switch barrel rifle? Or maybe its something else that I'm not familiar with. I've only seen a few rem's that were converted to switch barrel rifles with savage like barrel nuts...I'm just curious....I know that Benchmark has something like this.

yes the criterion on the remington is what they call a prefit barrel,works the same way a savage does. allows you to headspace the barrel yourself at home with the required tools.the turrets on my leupy are factory tactical turrets that i picked up on ebay.i'm in the process of changing calibers on the remington and that barrel is for sale if anyone is interested.
TRG 42 338 Lapua Mag, Remington 700P 300 Win Mag, Remington 700 .308 Win


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