My little spotter!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
SW Montana
Well, had an outstanding season but it ended with a memorable last two kills. I needed a couple does for the meat pot so I went shopping out on one of my bosses pivot, got there a little early and saw the whitetail were not quite moving yet, there was a few hundred mule deer on the pivot I was shooting and about 1300 elk so I decided to run home and grab my little spotter for her first hunt with dad!
It was awesome, she's a daddies girl in pink, she and I belly crawled out to the edge of some grass at the end of a pivot and stuck the gun barrel out and lined up on a nice big doe, she was laying beside me spotting through my range finder but there were a half dozen 140 class bucks in the way and kept pushing does and I kept holding of when I hear "look at that deer dad" turned a little to the right and got lined up on the doe she picked out and put 1.25 MOA on the scope and put a 165 Matrix through her heart, Anne was all over it and watched her go down and she was jacked!!
We put everything back in the truck and walked out to the doe, took the time to show my daughter how to approach downed game and to check the eyeball just the way I remember my dad doing with me at that age. On the way back to get the truck some deer came into the edge again so I thought I would tag out.
We crept up on a bale of hay and I was using it as a shooting bench and she did the spotting on the deer again, I put a bullet through it at a heavy quartering shot to see what the damage would be like on light game with the 165 Matrix. We gathered every thing up and rolled out there to get the first deer and I grabbed it and she yells "stop" and she walks over and touches it's eyeball and then tells me I didn't do it right then we had a little home school lesson on animal anatomy which she was very much into but she was not digging the gut smell, these deer on the pivots don't smell the greatest to gut and on the second deer she lost her cookies but got right back into it and held the leg for me, she though she did bad loosing it when gutting but I reassured her that even the tough guys on LRH would be proud of her and it was OK to loose your lunch!!

She wanted me to take a "hero" shot of her to show you guys, she cracks me up!!

Man, I love being this little girls dad!!! We have 5 more years till she can put the hammer on her own deer but by the time we get there she'll be an old hand at it, this hunt went just how I wanted and hoped it would for her on our first hunt :D



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you're a lucky man! Congratulations, she is a real beauty!

The Lord gave us 3 boys, they're all married and gone. We wanted a little princess so bad
and He said nope, nope, nope!

I'm a happy grandpa with 7 grand children and 3 of them are beautiful girls that I'm in love
with. I got lots of folks to go hunting with! :D
What a qutie. I have had the honor of meeting this little hunter in person. She is a very special gal. Ryan your wife you did good for sure.

Hope it is ok if I post the pick of her " putting the smack down" on some steal chickens.

This is from one of our long range shoots. She was on her game and the steal chickens were in trouble.


Thanks guys! I'm really trying to take the time to make the most of the time I've been given to raise her, she quite the character and she cracks me up!! She begged me to let her take her pink 22 so she could get one to, it's going to be a long 5 years for her to wait to hunt gun)
Rhian, this has got to be in my top 5 post I've ever read on LRH. What a cutie!! Your doin right by her too. Id be beaming with pride. Broz put up a great pic of her too.
Well done! & ya, tell her WERE ALL PROUD OF HER!
This is so inspiring for me.. My little girl is eight and im getting her first rifle next week. Im hoping she likes this amazing sport as much as we do! This is so important for the future of this country! Educate our young ones to respect and enjoy the sport of hunting and shooting so they can help protect the 2nd for the future!
We just got back from ice fishing, she was torn up that she didn't catch a fish. She spent 5 hours jigging for ling into the dark and she was not going to leave the ice till she had a stack of ling!!! She's extremely strong willed, not a bad thing most of the time :D
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