My experience with Sig Sauer's customer service on optics


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2015
Southwest Wyoming
I purchased a Sig Kilo 2000 shortly after they came out, I believe it was October of 2015. It has served me very well, and aided me in multiple kills in the 400 yard range, a 80+ inch pronghorn at 876 yards, and a Mule deer buck that was bedded at 925 yards. But I noticed my ranging ability was slowly decreasing, and performance was dropping off for about the last year. This summer when I went out shooting prairie dogs on a bright sunny days, it would not range past 300 yards, and was actually getting outranged by an old Bushnell arc 1000. That is when I decided I needed to do something.

I was fairly certain the reason it was not ranging was because the lens for the laser was getting scratched up, because when I went out shooting my steel, I set up a large "cattle crossing" sign right next to my target, so I can ensure I'm getting an exact range out to a mile and more. It would still range this out to 1700 yards no problem, but would not range a large bush at 500 yards. The scratches on the lens were from heavy use in Wyoming's very dusty climate, and a lack on my part of my maintenance of the optic. So other than the fact that a lens cover would be a nice addition, or at least an option, this was in no part Sig's fault, and completely fell on me for lack of proper maintenance, if this was in fact the reason for the failing performance.

I called Sig's customer service number, and explained the situation. They gave me an inquiry number and sent me a 2 day FedEx shipping label to send it in to be looked at. I wrote a note detailing my experience with it, and also wishing the person opening my package a great day (never hurts to sweet talk the person that is working on your product) and put it in the package with my rangefinder and sent it off on July 24th. Their projected return was 4-8 weeks. I never heard anything at all until August 9th, only 16 days later, and it was a notification that my shipment was on it's way. When looking at the shipment label, they were sending me a brand new Kilo 2200MR Rangefinder!!! I never got a call asking me any questions or anything, I didn't send in a receipt or anything, just the rangefinder in it's case with my note.

On August 19th, 10 days later, my brand new rangefinder arrived. I have got to say, they went above and beyond what they were required to do. They could have just as easily said that this was a product of customer abuse, and sent me back my practically useless rangefinder. Instead, they sent me a brand new replacement, with literally no questions asked, when I very well may have been at fault. I find this to be just awesome, and couldn't be happier with the outcome. Sig will certainly get more of my business in the future.

On a separate note, I am having my buddy make me a kydex lens cover for this one, to ensure that it doesn't happen again. I'll post pics of it whenever it is done. It will be along the lines of the one in the picture, accept only for the front two lenses. Thanks for reading everyone!!
sig lens cover.jpg
Always great to read customer service reports like yours. Sig Sauer joins RCBS and Nikon in this level of service I've either experienced or read here on the forum.
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