My deer of A Lifetime


That is a good point. My property is under level III management with the state of Texas. This is the first year we fall under that program after working hard the last 4 years to get to it. Level III provides that the gun season will run from he first day of archery season into February. This year, archery season fell on September 27th. This deer was shot less than a couple of weeks into the season this year.

That is a good point. My property is under level III management with the state of Texas. This is the first year we fall under that program after working hard the last 4 years to get to it. Level III provides that the gun season will run from he first day of archery season into February. This year, archery season fell on September 27th. This deer was shot less than a couple of weeks into the season this year.
Ahhh, now it makes perfect sense.

Again, great buck.
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