my buck got jacked

As far as "Written Communications" goes, mine has 162 gr A-max written on it!!
Many years ago we had a local poacher problem who would shoot from our treestands. Finally caught him late one afternoon as he parked his truck about 200yds from the stand. We were across the beanfield and put 3 rounds from a 7mag and 4 rounds of 30-06 thru the poachers truck and we left. Needless to say he had to ride around town for weeks with the windows blown out and the holes in his truck. We told the game warden who had been after him for months.....he just laughed!! The gentleman gave up poaching! There are times when you have to send your own message.
Boy this brings back memories!

The second deer I shot legally, some 35 years ago, was by far the largest I ever killed. It was a monstrous 12 point. I was hunting in Western NY where shotgun slugs were all we could use. I put a slug through the buck's chest & he dropped like a rock. I then made the mistake of lowering my gun as I approached. Yes, the SOB jumped up & ran off. Knowing he wasn't going far & knowing I needed to give him time to bleed out & because I wanted some help dragging this monster out of the gully I was in, I left to find the people I was hunting with. When we got back 30 minutes later there was no deer to be found. The next day the deer's picture was in the paper with the "hunter" who killed him with 1 shot to the chest. I believe it was the largest deer shot in NY that year.

I never went to "look up" the "hunter". It's best because I may have put myself in prison. I do know that if I had seen him driving away with that deer I would have likely ventilated his vehicle.
No deer is worth this type of confrontation, especially when kids are present. As for seeking revenge 2 wrongs dont make a right. Alot of hunters have wounded a big buck and lost him due to NO SNOW , Not enough BLOOD Trail , No Tresspassing signs and a bad shot . This loss of a buck is no different, thinking we need to seek revenge because criminal type people think this way is in my isnt what ide teach my boys. My neighbour lost his deer to theives as well but he couldnt track down the 5 coyotes that ate him.
Gotta agree with the post above in that you don't take the law into your own hands! It's not a good thing to be teaching kids and if there had been anybody in that truck that couldn't be seen and was wounded or killed when the guy and his buddies filled it full of holes they would all probably be doing life in prison just for a stupid deer. It's amazing how brave people are on their computer, LOL!!!
Gotta agree with the post above in that you don't take the law into your own hands! It's not a good thing to be teaching kids and if there had been anybody in that truck that couldn't be seen and was wounded or killed when the guy and his buddies filled it full of holes they would all probably be doing life in prison just for a stupid deer. It's amazing how brave people are on their computer, LOL!!!

You are one of the reasons criminals have no trouble robbing, killing, or kidnapping people. They know you wont stand up for yourself or anyone else for that matter. Let the police deal with it or game ranger oh i forgot they arent there until after and if your still alive you can call them to deal with it. right.


It is every day Joes that stop crime from happening, Police only arrest them after the fact
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You are one of the reasons criminals have no trouble robbing, killing, or kidnapping people. They know you wont stand up for yourself or anyone else for that matter. Let the police deal with it or game ranger oh i forgot they arent there until after and if your still alive you can call them to deal with it. right.


It is every day Joes that stop crime from happening, Police only arrest them after the fact

+1, whenseconds count the police are minutes away.
WOW....Your going to risk going to prison for life over a deer. I don't care if it was the new world record. Thinking about taking a life in front of your child.....Pathetic..Now I do agree with a good ol !@$#% kicking. Im not above that, but shooting at someone...come on..just my 2 cents.
FYI MikeBob I was in law enforcement for over 30 years and it was people like you that I worried about more than the criminals. It's one thing to be observant and help law enforcement officials out so they can do their job better. However, taking the law into your own hands is not only stupid, but it will get you or the wrong person killed sooner or later!!!
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It's not what you say on a computer!!!! It's getting off your butt and doing something about the problem in the field!!!!
FYI MikeBob I was in law enforcement for over 30 years and it was people like you that I worried about more than the criminals. It's one thing to be observant and help law enforcement officials out so they can do their job better. However, taking the law into your own hands is not only stupid, but it will get you or the wrong person killed sooner or later!!!

I have alot of family in law enforcement and game wardens and every single one of them will tell you that if something happens you are on your own until they are alerted.

so you are saying if someone is in need of help by being beaten, raped, stabbed, shot, just walk right on by and call the cops because after they kill said person they can catch them and put them in prison, BUT you will be ok because you just walked right on bye. In your 30 yrs as a cop how many crimes did you stop.

1: First off I didn't say I would shoot the people, I said I would shoot the truck, come on people no one is going to shoot a person over a deer, get real.

2: cops are there after being called who is supposed to protect us during the crime. cops do not have the resources to protect the people.

3: I believe in law's and law enforcement and I do believe the officers work hard and do a very good job at what they do, but they CANNOT be there to protect you without being called. What is a person supposed to do until they arrive. Sit and watch people get killed, beaten, stabbed

4: I prey to god if anything seriously bad is happening to my family that someone will step up and help them and not stand and watch until cops show up because they don't want to take law into their own hands.

5: If you post keep it clean, do not bring up ethics just opinions

6: Criminals know the cops will not be around until they are called so why not just go right into this house and kill everyone, because cops and government think we dont need to take "law into our own hands", because we will just call 911 and just stand there until cops show up which will give them several minutes to do what they will. Plus neighbors cant do anything either because that would be taking law into their own hands.

7: How many crimes would be committed if the criminal new every single person around would get up in all his sh** until he was stopped.

8: There was a man with 2 kids walking through the park after playing and came across a man getting beaten bad by 2 guys trying to rob him. The man told the kids to go tell someone to call the cops. The man then jumped in to help the guy against the other 2. Which he was not doing all that great because they were way bigger than him, but the 2 guys all the sudden took off because the guy was getting help. The cops ask the man why would you do such a thing, the man said he needed help, and if I just walk on by what would that be telling my kids, that it was ok to hurt people. I was 12 when that happened

9: Criminals will always have their way in this world as long as people pass it off to police and government, because its not the police and governments world, it is ours.

11: Have you ever watched the show " what would you do". would you be one that walks on by and not help.

12: Their is a lot of interesting opinions in here I must say I agree with some, not with others, but good all the same.

13: Topgun I thank you for your carrier in law enforcement as well as all that serve in the military.
I now thank mikebob and Len Backus for the discussion and forum to be able to read and hear all these points of views. It also made me laugh ALOT.
MikeBob---Calm down Brother! First of all I said I was in law enforcement. I did not say I was a cop, but I was pretty close to it with more duties and power than State Police personnel. Actually I was an Investigator with the State of Michigan in Consumer Protection after having served in the Army for 3 years in the Veterinary Corp back in the late 60s, but you made the cop asssumption just like you made a lot of assumptions in the rest of your post. I fully agree that if you are physically capable of stopping a crime(s) like you mentioned that you should try to help someone. Granted, you may be risking your life in some circumstances, but I would want to help someone out of a jam just like I would want them to help me. I also have no problem with a person packing a sidearm if they are legal to do so. If a lot more people were armed and knew when and how to use a weapon properly there would be a lot less crimes when the criminal doesn't know who is going to waste him!!! However, the scenario mentioned where the truck was filled full of holes was not necesary and that is what I meant by taking the law into your own hands. It was just as illegal doing what you described as what the poacher was doing! From what you described there would have been plenty of time to call authorities if the guy had left the vehicle there and was out in the field somewhere or you could have started by getting the license plate number of his vehicle. Then you could have let the authorities take over and all of you could have served as witnesses in a courtroom setting and nailed his butt to the wall!!! You took a real chance doing what was also illegal and that whole deal could have backfired on you in more ways than one by doing what you did. That is what I was alluding to in my post and not just standing by while someone is getting robbed, beaten, raped, etc. Those scenarios are not "taking the law into your own hands". I hope that clears things up. Peace Bro and have a good day!!!
"You took a real chance doing what was also illegal and that whole deal could have backfired on you in more ways than one by doing what you did."

What did I do exactly that was illegal

I tried to catch him, he got away

I called game warden turned him in

Game warden caught him week or so later

Game Warden and police let him go

****ed me off I said next time I would shoot truck to disable it

I don't remember how it got turned into shooting people but I am not rereading it to find out

Top Gun its all good just voicing my opinions, I don't get upset by people voicing their opinions, all people have a right to their own.

I do like hearing other peoples opinions whether I like them or not
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